By thanksforthat - 10/08/2009 19:05 - United States
Same thing different taste
By Username - 06/06/2011 03:29 - United States
By Butter_Cup - 28/12/2009 21:39 - United States
Sick ride, dude
By RdL - This FML is from back in 2009 but it's good stuff - United States
Car brain
By Anonymous - 05/12/2021 05:00
Lonesome wheels
By Anonymous - 28/10/2021 11:00
By Anonymous - 13/05/2024 23:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 18/12/2021 02:01
Independence day
By Anonymous - 01/07/2022 10:00
Not the golden child
By Anonymous - 02/03/2021 03:00 - Australia - Geraldton
Carless whisper
By JaneSimple - 05/02/2021 17:01
Top comments
Damn parents. You at least say SOMETHING... but sorry to say it probably won't work...
Yeah, just say something. If you really paid for it yourself just tell them to buy the car from you completely or tell them no.
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Show it anywayYou make some good points, but the thing that makes this seem like an FML to me is the fact that the OP's parents seemed to have made this very big decision (selling their car, then using their daughter's car as the "family car" meanwhile telling HER she has to pay for the gas and maintenance, something they should be able to chip in on) without the OP's knowledge. Her parents should have at least told her what they wanted to do, before selling their car and telling her she has to give up HER car for the whole family. Maybe the OP doesn't care that she has to share the car, and her only problem is that they're telling her she has to pay for gas and maintenance by herself for a car used by more than just herself. In that case, she should have just agreed to letting them use it under the terms of sharing the expenses.
that is not parenting, you can't punish your child for not letting them use something the child owns. In the situation you described they should have talked to OP first, before selling theirs and saying surprise we're stealing your car.
Ok, I think that's a LITTLE extreme. Like you're child wouldn't share one thing with you and you would do ALL that? Does that mean that if your kid had a chocolate bar and didn't want to share with you, you'd cancel their cell phone, buy all their clothes at Walmart, not let them use your internet, etc.? That's a little psycho, in my opinion. Although I realize that this is probably not what you meant. But like #93 said, it was more of a "oh, we'll sell our car for money and use (daughter's name) car for our family car, but make her pay for everything and not tell her until later" kind of thing on the parents part; which is completely unfair. Even if one of the parents did lose their job, that doesn't entitle them to sell their car and use their daughter's car as the family one without even chipping in for gas or maintenance.
If the OP should share the car, then the parents need to share the expenses of say car. Pay half the insurance (or however much the insurance goes up if they are added to the policy), half the gas, half the maintenance, etc.
Asking your kid to share is one thing. If the family needs money and the kid has a job, ask him to contribute to groceries or something. Or, make rules about what the family will buy for him, and what he needs to find a way to buy for himself. For example, a friend of mine got a job in high school and paid for all her clothes and her cell phone and plan. But what the OP's parents did is unreasonable. Asking your kid to act more like an adult should go along with treating your kid more like an adult--with respect. Be frank about the family's money problems, and allow the kid to participate in the decision making process. In this case, it means that if the OP's car has suddenly become the family's car, then the whole family should contribute to the gas/maintenance/insurance expenses, not just the OP.
bahahaha. are you a parent? your children HATE YOU. you are a selfish, pathetic excuse for a parent and don't understand the most basic things about child (and teenager) rearing. If you're not a parent, then SHUT THE **** UP and NEVER ******* PROCREATE.
You would do all that just because your child doesn't want to share HER car with the whole family and pay for it all? Nice, glad you're not my parent. Let me ask you this, do you share the car you paid for with your parents while paying for EVERYTHING and them not taking responsibiliy? Didn't think so. So shut up :) And please don't reproduce, we don't need another over-protective, over-reacting parents in this world. And by your logic, a child is not allowed to own anything for his/herself for their ENTIRE LIFE because the parents raised them? You have to share your income with your parents, you have to share your house, your car, your food, your clothes, your make-up, your shoes, your bed, everything. Is that right? Because that's exactly what you said, people who don't share are jerks so you need to share everything with your parents because they raised you. Your parents knew what they were getting into when they got pregnant, its their responsibility to feed you, put clothes on your back, and a roof over your head. And because of that now you're in debt to them for the rest of your life? That is NOT appropriate, my parents would never force me to give up MY car for the family and pay for everything. And if you think that's right, as I said before, don't reproduce, we don't need more crappy parents like you. And OP, don't let them! Its your car, they don't have a right to take your car and force you to pay for it. Their logic doesn't even make sense! They say its the family car but then they say its your car so you need to pay for it. WTF?? Either its the family car and the family pays for (ie, maintence, gas, insurance, plus paying you back for half of the car), or its your car and you pay for it, but they don't use it. There is no excuse for their behaviour, you don't owe them ANYTHING, regardless of what anyone says. You should be thankful that they raised you but you don't owe them anything.
@80: A car definitely! You can like live in your car.
refuse to put them on your isurance... then they cant drive the car.. and if they take it anyways call the cops and report it missing... its your car.. your parents cant just drive it without your permission
I'd be extremelly mad, but If I was still living with them rent free I wouldn't be able to do anything about it, would I?
tell them you're selling it. actually tell them after you sell it.
"depending on your, age, situation, and previous encounters with your parents, i would say this could be: either a fml, ydi, or both" Aren't those the only options? Ever?
Disregard the fact that your parents have spent a great deal of money raising, clothing, and feeding you. I'm sure that 2k you spent on the hunk of metal you call a car definitely compares. Sure, it's not "fair," but figure out how much you've cost them financially in all the years you've lived under their roof and maybe you'll get a bit of perspective.
Here's what you do: refuse to put them on your insurance, keep all copies of the car keys in YOUR possession, then if they find a way to still get ahold of them, call the police and you can have them arrested for it. But, that's if you're not taking a roof over your head for granted.
@219 What is it with people like you that think parents are entitled to everything that they want from their child? You do not owe your parents for raising you, for feeding you, for clothing you, etc... that is all part of the package they signed up for when they decided to have their night of unprotected fun. Should you be thankful for it? Of course, but you do not owe them for it. @OP I would straight out tell them no! Tell them the first time you see your car missing you will report it as stolen to the police. People like this need no leniency! If you allow them to do this they are just going to take wherever else as well.
@224 I was just about to say pretty much exactly what you said. Her parents aren't entitled to just take whatever they want from her just because they spent money raising her, which was their responsibility in the first place when they decided to have a child. She deserves just as much respect as anyone else, and they have no right to make her give up her car, AND pay for all the costs.. it's just ridiculous.
By your logic parents would be justified in demanding reimbursement for raising you. Paying for your child's upbringing is not a gift or a loan to them, it's your responsibility. Unless the OP paid for his car with birthday money from his parents or somethings, then it's a completely bitch move on their part, and if they gave him your excuse they should go **** themselves.
Hey, if you wanna have a child, it's your own problem that you have to spend all that money on them, don't ever try and make like they owe you something just because you brought them into this world. You made a decision now you need to live with that. To thanksforthat, if they sold their car because the are out of a job then stop being a whiney little bitch, everyone on earth is struggling right now, be thankful for what you have. But, they should have discussed the whole situation with you beforehand, it is still YOUR car and YOU need to lay some ground rules, just like any parent would do with their child.
Exactly and for some parents that reimbursment may happen...and it does when you're an adult and they're really old and they need YOU to take care of them...whether it's having them live with you because they can't cope on their own or making sure they get assistance at home or are well taken care of in a retirement home... But I really don't think they have the right to just take whatever they want from their child.
if you can pay for a car, you can pay for rent at an apartment. get away from them.
Your car, your rules. Tell them no, unless they buy it off you. How tight are your parents?
1 yeah it's annoying. but there are things the op can do. she can, if she's eighteen, get into a legal mess. or, better yet, sell it. i havn't read the comments and i'm guessing there will be at least one person who says something about them paying for you all your life.
Move out... not only would you get to keep your car, your parents won't be able to make dodgy decisions for you behind your back
lol. I'm sure that's the answer. when your sure, send them a package of diapers
I'd just say. **** NO
Just don't give them your keys.
That ******* sucks dude...
precisely, stand up to them, or you be the parents. Sorry Mom / Dad, dinner sucked... you cant take out the car. Hold them hostage over it. I would have a field day if my parents did this when I was a kid..
That's shitty my friend, sucks to be you
Haha yeah definitely :)
If my parents did that to me I'd tell them they can either start contributing to gas and maintenance or they can start finding other ways to travel, like a bus, or a bike. They may be your parents but if you paid for that car with your own money, you should still have a say on who can and can't use it, and you shouldn't have to foot the car bills yourself if you aren't the only one using it.
That's probably true, but if the parents are going to act like she doesn't have a say over who uses her car, but then tells her that since it's technically "her" car, (after having just told her it was the "family" car) she has to pay for all the costs for using it. It just seems like they need to come to an agreement on it. It should be either the family car, where everyone can help pay to use it, or the OP's car, where she pays the entire cost and uses it by herself.
That would be nice, but from experience, parents control everything you own unless you don't live with them any more. I bought my MacBook Pro with my own $2000, but I still have very little control over it.
I can understand that they would like to borrow it from time to time, but then they really should chip in on gas and insurance... Sell the car and go on a vacation! :)
True, I'd just sell my car as well and enjoy their reaction.
Move out! Seriously. If you paid for it, you can afford to move out.
Um...not really. Cars, if used, can be as low as $2700. Insurance might be $200 a month, and gas could be $100 a month. A part time job covers that. My 16 yr old sister earns $200 a month easily just by working once a week. Rent on an apartment could $3000 monthly, not including food, fees, etc. And if they're still living with their parents, they probably go to school. It's difficult to get a job to afford everything while still getting an education. A car isn't worth dropping out. OP: FYL. Never give them the keys, don't drive them, etc. That really does suck. If you can, get a motorcycle. Sell the car. A motorcycle is cheaper and faster, plus, you can't drive anyone on it. Hah. Good luck.
I'm not sure where you're getting this $3000 monthly figure from. I have a big 2 bedroom condo in Tempe, Arizona and my rent is only $800 a month
Yes, move. To Seattle. Or somewhere a long way from Texas. Then tell your family that yes, they can borrow your car whenever they want.
$200/month for insurance? $3000/month for rent? WTF? I pay $60/month for car insurance and my rent, if I rented this place, would be $1400/month. And I live in a VERY expensive town.
my sister purchased a used car and ended up having to pay more than $1300 to repair it. maintenance is another expense. plus, if more than one person uses the car, it means it's going to be missing sometimes, and that the fuel costs can rise a lot. in any case, it's a change for the worse for OP, it would no doubt be worse if they kicked her out, too, but this is still a change for the worse.
Actually, you're off on the low price of the car too. I got my car (my first car) about 3 months ago for $750. All it needed was a new radiator($140), a new hood($100), and a new headlight($45). That's only about $1000 for a car. (And it's a 2001 and gets over 30 mpg. Byeah!) But yeah, that's bullshit if you paid for it yourself. Unfortunately, where I live, if you're under 18 you can't even have the car in your name. That sucks. Tell your parents off and tell them to buy their own car with the money they got from selling their car.
This ^^ People like OP's parents' very *existence* just pisses me off. Hope she moved out and left them car-less.
@180 ydi for commenting like you know better without any research or experience. I'm in high school too, probably younger than you, and even I know what you said was total crap.
Yeah, but you have to live in Arizona. It's not worth the savings.

If my parents did that to me I'd tell them they can either start contributing to gas and maintenance or they can start finding other ways to travel, like a bus, or a bike. They may be your parents but if you paid for that car with your own money, you should still have a say on who can and can't use it, and you shouldn't have to foot the car bills yourself if you aren't the only one using it.
Damn parents. You at least say SOMETHING... but sorry to say it probably won't work...