By Anonymous - 19/06/2009 17:52 - United States

Today, my mom thought it would be a good idea to see what websites I go on from my computer while I wasn't home. She clicked the link that gave my computer a virus that I just got rid of a few days ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 178
You deserved it 5 544

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is why you delete your history.

That is also why you lock your computer.


amazin67666 0

get ur computer password protected so ur wierdo mom can't snoop around.

Gaby_peaceandluv 0

this is why passwords were invented (:

i hate when moms do that. so nosey I lock my laptop even if i have to go to the bathroom lol

Mph. I hate it that people feel the need to snoop around their childrens' things. It never seems to turn out well, and only serves to make everyone unhappy. But, as other people have said, you kinda deserved that one. Always assume that parents (particularly mothers) will be nosey. Assuming you use Internet Explorer, just have a web page open and hit Ctrl + h. Right click on the day and delete. It's that simple, bud.

dammit, now you sparked my curiosity...

#56 wont be on the computer for awhile

Classic ... Try adding a password to your user

The new firefox beta has a private browsing feature that doesn't even store your history in the first place. Check it out.

seb12992 0

This is mostly a FYL, but you should've cleared everything out. Not saying it's your fault but still...