By Anonymous - 23/04/2013 15:49 - Australia

Today, my mother and I saw a stall selling colourful treats at the shopping centre. Some were placed on small dishes, so we thought we'd sample their goods. Turns out that the colourful goodies that we'd bit into were very creative pieces of soap. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 220
You deserved it 45 487

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You just randomly bit into the things on the dish without asking what they were or asking permission?

Cusefan5 6

Well at least your mouths are now clean


c4rpi0 20

Soap and a snack at the same time

You deserve it, seeing as you never made sure. What I'd like to know is- how does this make your life as hellish as the person who's university invitation was ripped up by his mom?

Zoro555 5

I bet you didn't curse for the rest of the day!

FYL. They were on plates how were you supposed to know lol

Looking for a "Free sample" sign, or asking a shop assistant what they were would have prevented it from happening. Most people don't just shove anything into their mouths just because it's on a plate.

perdix 29

#57, well, then, bring twenty bucks next time ;) Sorry about my Sharpie.

At least the company did a good job making them look realistic!!

i have seen soap that looked like macaroons and were available in similar flavors. i dont blame you at all op.

Korra_fml 23

where do u shop 71? i have never in my life seen flavored soap... scented, maybe but flavored, no

GetPuckedUp 3 should have asked the worker what they where.

bazinga_boo 6

You know you could've have just cleaned that with Orbit....