By tamponmayhem - 09/03/2009 19:30 - Canada

Today, my mother and I went to Wal-Mart to buy pads. I suggested I get tampons instead, so that I can go swimming at my boyfriend's cottage. My mother then goes to the nearest store employee and asks, "excuse me, if my daughter uses a tampon, does that mean she is no longer a virgin?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 205 895
You deserved it 15 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sovietrussian 0
thedrifter889 0

No kidding - If i we're that employee i wouldn't know to laugh or know weather or not she was serious


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aww that sucks! embarrassing. i'm sorry. but honestly, wouldn't your mom know the answer to that question, assuming she's had her period and probably been using tampons herself for quiiiteee a few years now? haha..

skyttlz 32
jar_89 0

my mom only used pads and my older cousin had to tell me how to use pads so I could go swimming and she didn't do a very good job and I didn't even have the little instructions in the box to read. lol

AntiqueTurquiose 0

thats hilarious im confused, maybe i just didnt read it well enough. was she asking if youre not a virgin because you use tampons, or if you use tampons because you are not a virgin? those are two different things.

kaykay2922 11

No!! She's wondering if, by using a tampon, it takes your virginity....

Anyone who says she deserved this one is a dumbass.

Klynchwich 0

Haha, she sounds like Carrie's mum (the film)

CanadianHuney 0

is your picture a giant snow penis?

139, the movie Carrie... Based off of Steven Kings book.

Put yourself up for adoption and hope for smarter parents. :P

Unfortunate indeed. 1. she should've known 2. even if she didn't know, WHY WOULD YOU TRUST A WAL-MART EMPLOYEE TO KNOW? 3. The saddest part is the wal-mart employee probably DID know and now you're embarrassed that your mom didn't know AND the employee did

Maybe because working at Walmart doesn't automatically make you a moron?

dang_fml 0

damn that sucks! i wonder if the employee was a dude, lolz

awesomo3000 0

i'm going 2 call fake on this one.