By tamponmayhem - 09/03/2009 19:30 - Canada

Today, my mother and I went to Wal-Mart to buy pads. I suggested I get tampons instead, so that I can go swimming at my boyfriend's cottage. My mother then goes to the nearest store employee and asks, "excuse me, if my daughter uses a tampon, does that mean she is no longer a virgin?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 205 895
You deserved it 15 422

Same thing different taste

Top comments

sovietrussian 0
thedrifter889 0

No kidding - If i we're that employee i wouldn't know to laugh or know weather or not she was serious


Tdotgirl 0

Wow. Your mom is naive, ignorant and embarrassing. Next time go period shopping on your own or ask your boyfriend's mom to help you out. If you're being invited to their cottage she must like you.

kiss_me_kate 0

hmmmmm. this confuses me too. before i was like, no i dont want my cherry popped by a tampon! but im in swimm so i use them now, no probs. im a virgin. there was no hymen breakage OF WHICH I AM AWARE 0_o lmao Peace Love and Light, Kate

haxxx041 0

I totally agree with #39. I bet she IS asian...cus my aunt's said the same thing to my cousin. It's not ignorance, she probably just didn't know any better. asian moms are weird, don't like tampons haha

That's what ignorance is, moron. It's the lack of knowledge, AKA "not knowing better".

mmmchoclate_ 0

haha my mom said the exact same thing and she's asian.

lul my mum used to think the same thing aswell

MirandaaHoldsHim 0

no offence, but wow, your mom is dumb! Your how old.., and your just starting to use tampons now!?...

#90, you don't have to be a certain age to start using tampons. you can start wearing them whenever you want (or never even). it's personal preference. nothing to do with age. idiot.

That employee probably went onto about this or should have.

#1#2 and 3 you made my answer complete your mom is a retard.. really. she is dumb!!!

academicdinosaur 1