By fmlisthebomb - 01/03/2009 06:58 - United States

By fmlisthebomb - 01/03/2009 06:58 - United States
By Becca Velveeta - 26/10/2019 14:00
By Anonymous - 10/01/2011 20:55 - United States
By beyondembarrassed - 05/05/2013 05:44 - United States
By ruffrider - 05/02/2009 14:09 - United States
By Panda_bruh96 - 13/08/2021 19:01 - United States - Minneapolis
By blahppl14 - 27/12/2009 00:37 - United States
By - 29/07/2010 18:28 - United States
By Anonymous - 25/03/2019 11:00 - United States - Rio Rancho
By Nikki - 02/02/2009 12:56 - United States
By penguins - 13/11/2010 00:30 - United States
yeah so you need to dump him and NEVER DO THAT AGAIN
i guess you learned the hard way.... if you give up naked photos so easily, they'll get traded... and then your parents find out what you've been doing while you're still a minor
Your boyfriend is a ******* bastard. Well I'd love to have a few nude pics of my girlfriend. I wouldn't share them with anybody (well if she cheats on me, it's a different issue :D) But still, sending nude photos of yourself is too risky so I don't reccommend it.
It being your *old* high school, you've either transferred/dropped out or graduated. In the first case, this could be a problem on terms of child pornography. If it's the second case, why would your boyfriend send your picture (assuming you and he are around the same age) to any number of freshmen?
you're lucky that the only thing that happened is your mom was called. there are several instances of things like this where the kids who took the pictures and the kids that had the pictures on their phones were all slammed with child pornography charges
Never send nude pictures to anyone. Lesson learned.
If he loves sharing so much than he'll be enlightened by your idea of sharing your knowledge of the "How to break up with your boyfriend in a nasty way" guide that you've read recently