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By Anonymous - 21/02/2018 14:00 - United Kingdom - Poole

Today, my mother started fostering a child to make some money. I wouldn't have a problem with this if she didn't make me babysit the kid and take him to and from school every day because she's "too busy". I work full-time and she's unemployed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 282
You deserved it 508

Top comments

I'm not sure how this works, but it sounds like she fostered the kid for benefits or some sort of allowance and isn't actually looking after them. I admit I don't know the laws about this stuff, but I feel like this is fraud and neglect.

She could be right — it can be hard work being a parasite!


I'm not sure how this works, but it sounds like she fostered the kid for benefits or some sort of allowance and isn't actually looking after them. I admit I don't know the laws about this stuff, but I feel like this is fraud and neglect.

She could be right — it can be hard work being a parasite!

Do you ever say anything nice or constuctive? Ever?

"don't?" really? despite all that the kid is suffering you know if they don't want to treat him or her right just give them back to the orphanage don't just take them in and ruin their only chance at life??

lukesick1 12

I usually wouldn't condone this but you should call CPS she's clearly just using the child for money and neglecting them. Or if you actually like the kid keep them I guess?

EnvyMe33 26

Children have feelings. What she is doing is morally wrong. I am sure turning your mother over to the authorities would be a hard decision but think of what she is doing to that child. Don’t you think the kid has been through enough?

Jeremy Strang 7

That is literally fraud. You are describing an illegal situation. Report her to the authorities immidiately.

If she is fostering for the money, she is doing it for the wrong reasons which may not help the child. Thenmoney is surely meant to pay for the child's upkeep. It is not on top of that is it? I might be wrong but if the money is indeed for the child's upkeep then by taking it, she is not giving the child what he needs.

Mungolikecandy 19

£160 to £180 per week is quite a sum of money. However, if she is acting as you say, an anonymous tip to the foster agency or local council may be called for as she is not providing the nurturing environment needed by such children.

I would report her to the agency. If she's "too busy" to watch the kid and take him to and from school, she's too busy to be a foster mom. Not to mention if she's doing it for the money, she's doing it for all the wrong reasons.

onceuponatime456 16

Report her to the authorities, she has no right to be fostering! She is using the kid to make money!