By Anonymous - 14/01/2013 10:06 - Australia - Sydney

Today, my mum excitedly discussed with me the prospect of starting a mother-son YouTube duo. Thinking she was joking, I went along with it. She is now installing a 24-hour webcam in the house to record our conversations, which she perceives as hilarious, and is going to upload them. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 566
You deserved it 8 302

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I'll be sure to watch, I'm looking forward to it OP!


"And this other time son, I had sex with a guy on a dock but we had to stop because I got a splinter in my butt" Too old? I think some people will remember.

Looks like you can't sneak your girlfriend through the bedroom window anymore

kennaem1 11

#32: In what universe is it the norm for males to lactate?

OP, everyone here wants to see these. You might have something going for you here!

It's an excuse to sleepover at someone else's place