By WhatTheFaf - 01/09/2011 14:40 - United Kingdom

Today, my mum yelled at me for wanting to apply to university courses that she doesn't approve of. I'm applying for Biomedical Sciences and Microbiology, she's an unemployed Jehovah's Witness. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 035
You deserved it 2 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

And when she is asked what she does in her adult life, she will respond saying, "I walk around to people's houses and annoy people."

Start knocking on doors and see what other people think of your class choices.


That is an example of people who obviously don't know enough about the faith they claim...

Finn_the_human 5

She has a job working for the lord. What could be better then that?

BikeAllDay818 6

I told some lady from Jehovah's witness that knocked on my door my name, they came back a year later and still remembered my name, and house. 0___0

rFolllow ur ambision. sounds like u know what's best for u

Has anyone noticed the sudden amount of anti-JW fmylifes there have been? Obvious Troll is Obvious...

Big surprise here. A religious person upset at someone who wants to exercise their own free will.

Holy crap, a religious-themed FML and the comments section is STILL OPEN?!

lulututu 4

I'm in biomed :) good luck getting in! **** what she says, if you want something, especially something as good as going to Uni, then go for it!