By WhatTheFaf - 01/09/2011 14:40 - United Kingdom

Today, my mum yelled at me for wanting to apply to university courses that she doesn't approve of. I'm applying for Biomedical Sciences and Microbiology, she's an unemployed Jehovah's Witness. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 035
You deserved it 2 969

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

And when she is asked what she does in her adult life, she will respond saying, "I walk around to people's houses and annoy people."

Start knocking on doors and see what other people think of your class choices.


tell her you want to celebrate your birthday. see how that goes over :)

Why do u need ur mom for that. Just apply for whatever you want! What kind of mom would not support her child?

OP, you should get on the Jehovah's Witness Protection Program. Tell your mom you've decided to leave her cult and become a Roman Catholic.

iwinallthetime 2

I am a Jehovah's Witness. THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH GOING TO COLLEGE. Before you guys start talking crap about us, do your research...

People are so narrow minded. Find out what we believe before making a decision. I bet 90% of the people on here can't tell us anything about our religion without googling it first.

poemqueen 15

Exactly! And when we try to explain all they can do is call us cheap by following the Bible and not celebrating birthdays or christmas

On the bright side you must be over 18 so it doesn't really matter what she wants when it comes to your future. Sorry you have to deal with that though.

Stonedmanalex 0
Pixxio_O 11

Now we know the name of OP's mother... Bwok

so I find it surpirsing how ignorant all you people who put such a huge emphasis on education are. I was raised a Jehovah's Witness and though i did not stay in the religion my mom still is and my dads side except for my dad are Witnesses and half of my siblings are and they encourage all of us kids to go to college i didnt go but that is cause i choose to marry a Marine and have a family and stay at home and no not all people are shunned you idiots my family still talks to us and they invite us to dinner and what not all of the time. In fact they help me buy things for my husband's care packages since he's deployed and even though they dont agree with the war and what he is doing they do respect him as my husband and a part of the family. Yes there are people who are extemist but my husband has family who are catholic and extremist so there's that kind of people everywhere who take things to far. And just like i tell my husband you wanna talk shit about something then go sit your ass down learn about it and then talk your shit, if you dont know what you're talking about then keep your mouths shut cause maybe its annoying to have people come knock on your door talking about their beliefs but what i find more annoying is people talking shit when they dont know anythingabout the subject. How about you save yourselves the embarassment of sounding stupid and just keep your mouths shut.

Judging from the quality of your statement and the terrible spelling, I would say that people are pretty right about the need for education. Also, you cant tell people that they are stupid and that they should shut up because they dont know anything, when you dont know any of those people yourself. In before, your whole point is retarded. People have a right for an opinion, even if you dont like it. And the fact in this FML is that the stupid mother doesnt want her daughter to learn science, and what a coincidence, that stupid mother happens to be from a religion that doesnt recognize science as a fact.

Viperex 1. Facts that are wrong cannot be disguised as opinions and called fine. 2. You made yourself sound stupid trying to bash this person's comment.

Hey viperex if your gonna insult me then do it right you nitwit my grammar may not be the best but the spelling is fine you idiot, what just cause i misspelled surprising and extremist all of a sudden i cant spell o wow so how about you go back to school and learn your shit before you try and judge people and how can you defend about having an opinion if your critcizing me for having one, gosh can people as stupid as you really exist in this world damn no wonder this world is going to shit and listen dumb ass I'll write it in big letters so that maybe you might understand J E H O V A H' S W I T N E S S D O B E L I E V E I N S C I E N C E j U S T N O T T H E T H E O R Y O F E V O L U T I O N I know its probably too much for your little brain to take so don't hurt yourself trying to understand all of this