By Anonymous - 05/03/2015 02:05

Today, my neighbor at my apartment building told me water from my sink was leaking into his apartment. He told me to call maintenance to fix it, but they won't help unless he calls. He refuses to, and I can't do my dishes without feeling like an asshole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 339
You deserved it 3 034

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You shouldn't feel like an asshole, he's the one refusing to call.


if he needs to call to have it if fixed and won't, I wouldn't give two *****

He's the asshole, not you op. That's a really stupid rule though.

Queen_of_Night 20

Probably his way of getting back at you for being to loud or didn't say hi to him in the morning or something. My BF's downstairs neighbor called the HOA saying that there was water leaking into her apartment every time my BF's tenant did laundry. BF sent a plumber, who found nothing. We haven't heard anything since. This is the 2nd time she's done something like this.

His fault for being a lazy dumbass. If it was a big deal to him, he'd call maintenance. Don't feel bad at all OP

if he won't call it's his own fault. do your dishes in peace OP

BlackFire4890 16

**** it just do the dishes anyway.

It's his issue if he's not willing call. You're not the asshole he is.

Your neighbour has brought it on himself with his stubbornness and refusal to try and understand the situation

He has himself to blame. Don't blame yourself.

quit being a push over. think for yourself and not of him. i use to think like you. it gets you no where. start putting raw fish down the garbage disposal if you have one.