By WhitneyHouston - 06/07/2009 19:33 - United States

Today, my neighbor knocked on my door and left a note that said "Please stop singing in the shower. You're terrible, and everyone in the building can hear you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 686
You deserved it 15 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would be so embarrassed if someone did that to me. I usually sing in the shower just to have some noise in there other than the damn shower head running...

I wouldnt be that embarrassed just because almost everyone sounds like shit in the shower.


Sing louder. The note was an asshole thing to do.

foryoublue94 0

-Sing louder -Sing "I'm gonna sing in my shower if I want toooooooo....."

Siren_00 0

You should take a pic of it and put it on!

kira822_fml 0

Keep singing. Tell them to mind your own business. If your singing too loudly, tune it down a bit. If not, rather tell them to f off or move to a better apartment place with more space between the walls and cealings.

You should knock on their door and pull of a Danny Noriega and say SOME PEOPLE WEREN'T LIKIN IT! He was on American Idol, just look it up if you don't know. XD

Jennydew 0

I'd continue doing it, only louder and more obnoxious than before. But that's just me.....

This is FML, not ;)

How mean! sing even louder especially if its REALLY early in the morning :)

jnic 0

If this wasn't someone singing loudly to be happy and instead blaring loud music to be happy, you wouldn't be telling them to screw their neighbors and keep singing to spite them. Nobody has to sing so loudly in the shower that all the neighbors can hear them. How the **** is it any different from any other legit noise complaint? You guys would be awful to live in an apartment with. OP deserves it, terrible singer or not.