By WhitneyHouston - 06/07/2009 19:33 - United States

Today, my neighbor knocked on my door and left a note that said "Please stop singing in the shower. You're terrible, and everyone in the building can hear you." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 686
You deserved it 15 318

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would be so embarrassed if someone did that to me. I usually sing in the shower just to have some noise in there other than the damn shower head running...

I wouldnt be that embarrassed just because almost everyone sounds like shit in the shower.


Jazzywrites007 2

MAn, Why The Eff is everyone here being so rude? You can sing in your own shower whenever you please. When The NEIGHBORS begin paying your rent THEN they can tell you how to and how not to sing.

so_me_fml 0

My neighbor and I have an agreement. I can sing in the shower and he can blow his nose loudly. Both equally annoying, but we put up with it bc we understand :)

Maybe it's your fault for having a bad voice? Sing softer :)

Colleennn1579 0
skullbuster 0

On one hand, I understand being disturbed by others can be annoying...BUT, there is nothing that pisses me off more than busybody coward neighbors who slither around with those ******* anonymous notes. Paint "**** OFF" on your door and sing your offkey heart out until the neighborhood dogs are howling with ya!!!

xxcubanxx 0

I did something similar to my neighbor. Except he wore speedos to our pool (where I lifeguard). He was pretty heavy and his pubes would always show. I stole some HOA paper and pretended it was from the homeowner's association. I did our community a service, as I'm sure your neighbor did. FYL though.

**** it. Do whatever it is that you want. You're in your own house. And as for the "noise complaint" don't get fined for that shit. Maybe if they came back multiple times..or turn it up with the cops still there...cop shows up..sees how loud it is...(by that time ur out of the shower?) u say u were singing..they laugh and leave.


hahaha you should start singing really rude and loud songs with like swears after every word.