By Yupppp. - 11/02/2015 06:25 - United States - Flushing

Today, my new boyfriend with whom I'm completely smitten called me and told me he had an early Valentine's Day gift for me. Gonorrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 342
You deserved it 5 296

Same thing different taste

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I hear condoms works wonders. Supposedly they prevent stds from being spread when you have and your new boyfriend should have tried it!

You've already had sex with your "new boyfriend"? Where are people's standards anymore?!

Sex in a relationship between two adults is more than acceptable. What is wrong with you?

What happened to people getting tested between partners anymore? Or have people's standards dropped so low that they now just jump into bed with anything that breathes, consequences be damned?

I wouldn't be smitten after getting that kind of news.

For future references, use a condom, unless you know for a fact the person you are intimate with is STD free.

rldostie 19

She may have. He said he has it but she may not. But good point. Everyone should use condoms until both parties have been tested.