By depressed - 03/09/2013 21:43 - United States - Yorktown Heights

Today, my new creative writing teacher informed the class that we should consult him before writing anything "dark or disturbing." I only took the class because my therapist recommended that I join the class so I could freely express my darker thoughts without her help or a fear of being judged. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 262
You deserved it 3 093

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Write what you want anyways. Don't let some teacher stifle what you have to express!

You can always start your own blog and write your own stuff.


InfernoVivo 12

That's unethical for your teacher. You should be able to express yourself freely

TheDrifter 23

A teacher asking students to talk to him about how they're doing an assignment is unethical now? No wonder the educational system is in the shitter.

InfernoVivo 12

It's a creative writing class. He can't judge judge students

He can't judge students? How the **** is he supposed to grade then? Roll dice?

tatertot1985 14

It's called creative writing for a reason sorry op that's some bull

Well, that sort of defeats the purpose of creative writing.

What, the instructor asking to be spoken to before material that could have a seriously negative impact on a member of the class is introduced? There might be someone who is taking the course who requires special consideration, or it may be just general policy.

CaitiieBuggs 23

Who's to say anyone else in the class will even see OP's writing? I've had many writing classes where only the instructor saw my writing. I've also had many writing classes where others would see my work, unless requested otherwise. OP could always ask to have their work be anonymous or simply not shared.

Sorry, OP, taking a class & hoping not to get judged is like taking a shower & hoping not to get wet.

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Sorry but that's a terrible analogy.

You know, the relentless Shower of Judgement.

Taking a class where you are being graded and expecting not to be judged? The analogy kinda works. Not perfect, but I get the idea.

That's exactly what I was thinking! If your writing is being graded, then it's being judged. Maybe if you're lucky the teacher will only grade the grammar and syntax of your writing and still let you write your dark thoughts.

Obey_StudBoii 23

Write what you want to write. Whether it be dark or not who cares. Creativity is creativity. Don't let some misguided judgmental ass tell you otherwise.

Tell him. I'm sure that the reason he wants to be consulted is nothing to do with stopping you writing what you like. Teachers aren't there to stifle you in any way, they're there so you can express yourself more effectively.

I can see what the teacher means... He doesn't want to have students writing these things and think that it's nothing when it turns out to be something (suicide, shootings, drugs, etc.). Just explain to him what you want out of the class and he will more than likely let you write freely. Especially if he knows that your therapist suggested it for you, if you're willing to share that information with him.

Why? He said to 'consult before' writing such things, not to not write them at all. They aren't banned, it's just another set of eyes to make sure that the content is appropriate for the audience.

Write whatever who says he has to read it? You will always have some judgmental asshole telling you what you can and can't do for the rest of your life. Go for it OP!!

It's possible this is a regular go-to solution for this therapist, or even a popular idea among the profession. Poor guy wanted to teach aspiring writers the art of storytelling, and he didn't know he was volunteering to stare down the personal demons of every tortured soul the local shrink feels like dumping into his care.

Like I said judgmental assholes... It's ok though I was prepared for down votes because half of you people can't stand to hear the thruth. So sad. Because "everyone's a winner" writing or should I say "creative" writing is the same thing. I'm sorry but if you have to have someone tell you what to write to become a writer than it's not very "creative" now is it?!? Hmmm

TheDrifter 23

"Who says he has to read it"? Are you mentally disabled? It's the ******* teacher, of course he has to read it, he's the one grading it for chrissakes. Please crawl back into whatever hipster pool of idiocy you came from.

I wonder if that teacher read so many messed up/disturbing things in the past and now just wants a head's up warning. :P