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By Anonymous - 08/03/2013 11:29 - United States - Charlottesville

Today, my teacher read my story about a haunted house for a class assignment. She liked it very much and turned it in to the office to be sent into a state writing competition. An hour later, I was called to the office where the guidance counselor called my work "disturbing" and said I "need help". FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 300
You deserved it 2 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Consider that validation that you indeed wrote a good horror story. Props to you, oh demented one!

I would exorcise your right to publication, otherwise this ghoul is in trouble


Yea, they were actually writing about the /Haunter/ House, not haunted house! Makes much more sense this way. Oh God, is that the Lavender Town theme song I hear in the distance...

tell them they're idiots. if they've never read an H.P Lovecraft story/book and found your book disturbing, holy hell. Tell them to youtube DyE - Fantasy (based off of H.P Lovecraft)

No duh, 81, it can still be about the Vatican

I'm well aware, good sir. But this is not the case. It's about a haunted house.

RocketNinjaFish 12

14- I hope not. That tune is creepy!

GrimReefer66 29

What the hell does that have to do with this?

I would exorcise your right to publication, otherwise this ghoul is in trouble

stevenJB 25

If it was a scary story then it should've been gold according to her words

katykilbs 1

Once I wrote a poem for a state competition also, and I was sent to the guidance counselor.

Was it a fan-fiction of Honey Boo Boo?

18 I'm pretty sure it's to late by this point.. There will be fan-fiction of anything and everything..

Too late, 18. I've already started my first draft. It's called Fifty Shades of Redneck.

Haha 5, I got suspended from my college and reported to a "Threat Assessment Team" because my film prijects had guns in them (yet no violent scenes)! The nanny state is out of control. These days kids are getting suspended for shaping their poptarts into guns! True story by the way!!

Haha 5, I got suspended from my college and reported to a "Threat Assessment Team" because my film prijects had guns in them (yet no violent scenes)! The nanny state is out of control. These days kids are getting suspended for shaping their poptarts into guns! True story by the way!!

"Haha 5, I got suspended from my college and reported to a "Threat Assessment Team" because my film prijects had guns in them (yet no violent scenes)! The nanny state is out of control. These days kids are getting suspended for shaping their poptarts into guns! True story by the way!!" - True story

Don't forget those violent kindergartners shooting up people with their Hello KItty bubble guns..

Jessj958 19

A second grader brought a grenade to my son's school a few weeks ago. It wasn't live, but no one knew that at first, so a bomb squad came to school and the students were on lockdown. It was really scary waiting for that phone call to let me know everyone was safe. But it was even scarier to think that the parents let their children have access to things like that and that they had no idea he brought it. It's one thing letting your kids do things like that in the privacy of their home, but it's another thing allowing it to happen at a public school.

A girl got expelled because her paper ripped and it was a "weapon."

45- it has nothing to do with the 'nanny state' but rather the close proximity to other gun related violence/shootings that have occured at other schools. People have a tendency to react and overcompensate to gratuitous acts of violence where they become highly sensitive to whatever they can relate to the act. On the flipside, a state recently allows guns to be carried at schools by teachers. It doesn't require a lot of smarts to realize that's going to end poorly.

I actually think that allowing teachers, who are probably the people on campus LEAST likely to want to hurt children, to carry concealed arms on campuses is a step in the right direction.

You realize most gun fatalities are accidental. And tell me where these teachers are going to stash their guns. Locked away where access is difficult if there is a crisis? On their hip while being surrounded by thirty students? How many competent people do you meet on a daily basis? Just use a little bit of thought about out how this is going to typically play out.

Also are you suggesting the next time this happens and it happens to be on a campus with armed teachers the person isn't going to prepare for that by you know, upgrading with body armor, explosives, bigger guns for more wanton destruction. All you're doing is introducing an arms race. It's ******* ridiculous.

strangeite 4

We had an "ear-piercing gun" incident at my school

90- Are you seriously insinuating that when a 7 year old kid eats their poptart wrong and gets suspended for it, and then the school offers counseling for other students who were "traumatized" by the event that it doesn't scream nanny state to you? I keep hearing about crap like this and I honestly have no idea how you could rationally defend the school's actions. The "0 tolerance" policy is completely irrational.

101- How would a gun that is holstered go off and kill people? That is rather unlikely given that it would be pointed downward. Also do you not understand the concept of "CONCEALED carry"? Only teachers/faculty members who had their ccl would be carrying, not necessarily all faculty members would be armed, most probably wouldn't, you would have no idea if the teacher had a firearm on them because it would be CONCEALED. There is a reason mass shootings happen in gun free zones. James Holmes, for example, had multiple theaters showing the Batman movie near him at about the same time. Only one was a "gun free zone", he didn't go to the closest theater, he didn't go to the one with the most seating, he went tithe one that was a gun free zone. Also if someone is more likely to accidentally shoot someone (or themselves) with a gun as you imply, wouldn't the Gov't just arm criminals so they would accidentally shoot themselves?

107- not once did I say I'm defending the schools actions. I dont know where you got that from what i said. Their decision is idiotic. However claiming that everything is because of this 'nannystate' and currently proposed solutions is oversimplifying a complex issue.

118- I never said about it going off while concealed. My intent was to suggest that at any time that gun can be removed from his/her control control by students. I'm not implying that you're more likely to be wounded by accidental discharge, I'm telling you. It's a fact. You can look it up and figure out why on your own and why what you said in your last paragraph makes no sense. So you really think if there werent gun free zones he would've just given up? No, he would've prepared even more thoroughly and escalate in destruction.

As a gun owner and an elementary school teacher, I think having teachers carry guns is a terrible idea. Having an armed police officer assigned to a school is a much better solution. Many schools in my area have had police officers in the past but unless the school is in a particularly bad neighborhood, they're among the first to go with budget cuts.

I think this thread is supposed to be about the FML, not a debate about gun ethics...

Consider that validation that you indeed wrote a good horror story. Props to you, oh demented one!

Sounds like A+ work then! You could use that for your sales pitch :)

Don't worry about it, all the best writers do.

Sounds like you're a very good writer. I'd call Poe disturbed for every line of his works, but he still was pretty good at what he did. Ignore your guidance counselor - write more.

I'm watching the TV series "The Following" staring Kevin Bacon and it has all these Poe quotes thought out the show. Creepy and amazing at the same time.(:

dr_snow_bear 29

Well just remember, this person wasn't smart enough to become anything but a guidance counselor.

Nice work insulting all the guidance counselors out there.

stevenJB 25

Yea...the guidance councilor at my school makes a lot of money, manages both senior and junior classes and tons of other stuff. Stressful. Don't be a dick. It's a good job

Congratulations on winning the Most Judgmental Comment of the Day award. Huzzah.

stevenJB 25