By anon - 31/01/2016 21:38 - United States

Today, my parents have deliberately ruined my last 2 relationships, because they want me to get back together with my ex simply because he is my son's dad. Apparently, my son needs his father more than I need a man who won't beat me every time he gets drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 711
You deserved it 2 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're doing the right thing for both you and your son, OP! Stay strong, hopefully your parents will eventually give up, or you will find a relationship that they finally can't ruin!

Keep the relationships on the DL if you can so that you can give your son a better example of what it is to be a man. It takes barely anything to be a 'father' but it takes a lot to be a Dad.


sadpanda888 12

Don't get back with him!! You and your son can't have that in your life! You are doing the right thing! Maybe distance yourself a bit and brace your boyfriends for your parents too.

tounces7 27

Unless you live with your parents, I don't see how they could ruin your relationships unless you let them.

Your parents aren't real parents. If they really cared they wouldn't want you to get back with an abusive alcoholic boyfriend. I think you need to ditch your parents. Don't take your kid there and dont go near them. They might be a bad influence for your son by blaming you for your sons dad not being there because that's what people like that do and they'll make you feel horrible.

legendof90 14

But yet you had a kid with him

Most abusive relationships don't start out that way. They can be very charming and hide their crazy very well until they think they have you trapped with marriage and children. I was with my ex for 2 years before we married and had children. Once an abuser gets you dependant on them (it's harder to leave and find somewhere to go when you have kids) they feel like they can be themselves. Read up on domestic violence (it takes more than one form) before making ignorant statements.

Two can play at that game. Leave a bra sprayed with perfume in the bedroom and make a contact, "Bubba" on your moms phone to which you will make multiple calls to. They won't have any time to ruin your relationships then, and as a side plus you'll have 2 Christmases from now on!

TAntobella 14

Then why do you keep introducing your partners to your parents. Leave them out of that part of your life, if they don't know how to properly be part of it

I know they are your parents but maybe you should have distance if they don't care that you get beat? At least don't confide in them.

cut your parents out of your and your sons life if they think your son having his father is more important then your safety also maybe tell the next guy about your sons father and how your parents are selfish bastards who don't care about your health and happiness

If your parents are that stupid i dont know how you learned to tie your shoes every morning.

get an cuck who is willing to raise another ones child. a child needs his father

Talis99 26

That's very sad you would say that. No one needs to have an abusive cockbite as a father. There are times a biological link is worthless.