By anon - 31/01/2016 21:38 - United States

Today, my parents have deliberately ruined my last 2 relationships, because they want me to get back together with my ex simply because he is my son's dad. Apparently, my son needs his father more than I need a man who won't beat me every time he gets drunk. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 711
You deserved it 2 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're doing the right thing for both you and your son, OP! Stay strong, hopefully your parents will eventually give up, or you will find a relationship that they finally can't ruin!

Keep the relationships on the DL if you can so that you can give your son a better example of what it is to be a man. It takes barely anything to be a 'father' but it takes a lot to be a Dad.


If your parents have the ability to ruin your relationships, then they weren't that strong to begin with.

ashyash90 8

Did you press charges? do you have proof? Obviously your parents should love and respect you enough to not need that but shoving it in their faces one more time could help. Also, as much as you may fear it, just explain the situation to anyone you start to get serious with! Just say, my parents will try to separate us, please believe me, they will say anythingso just talk to me and ignore them. any guy who really cares about you should be on your side. coming from someone with a crazy patent. worse comes to worse, move away if possible?

Read "dad's son" instead of "son's dad" at first... Was seriously concerned for a moment.

If I may, what are they doing to ruin your relationships?

I think a step-father or no father at all is better than one you hate, and see hurting your mother..

Get a restraining order on that muthatrucker you deserve better!

Your sons dad is horrible I hope u find someone OP

You should move away from your parents and not let them have contact with your son and then find someone else

da_epic_failman 7

That kid sure as hell doesn't need a father teaching him to beat his wife, and his children. Having a father figure is important, so you should probably find a husband, but your ex is a poor excuse for one.