By Anonymous - 23/06/2012 13:11 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, my parents were awake while I was still in bed on my iPod touch. I decided to play The Smurfs Village. One of its minigames involves shaking the iPod, so I was breathing heavily. Later, my parents sat me down for a little "talk". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 771
You deserved it 7 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shaking an iPod makes you breath heavily? Maybe you need to do some more cardio =P

It would have been better if they'd walked in and seen you breathing heavily in bed while looking at Smurfs.


Shadow_Phantom 26

FYL man. Also, your parents are idiots.

Pinkpoogle 3

You guys obviously don't understand. I have the smurfs village too, for this game you have to shake the iPod and breathe heavily. Therefore if you knew the game, and read the FML correctly, you would see that shaking the iPod did NOT make him breathe heavily.

Except OP flat out said "shaking the iPod, SO I was breathing heavily". This means that OP's heavy breathing was a result of shaking the iPod. Therefore, it would be logical to gather that OP is very out of shape and all of the comments to that effect are sound.

49, Nowhere in that game does it tell you to "breathe heavily". You shake the device and that is it, they were simply unfit.

Get up off your ass and put down the video games! If shaking a freaking iPod makes you breathe heavy, you are in shitty physical condition. At least get out and take a 30 minute walk everyday. Do something, for ****'s sake! This is just sad!

baseballgirl25 6

Really you get worked up just from that? What the hell game are you playing?

ThatFunnyGy 2

Serves you right for playing The Smurfs Village.

jimbob95 5

It's all in the wrist action OP

Haha I play games after everyone's gone to bed too! You should talk to your parents and tell them what you were doing.....

EmoBitchRock 0

So shaking your ipod causes you to breathe so heavily, that your parents can hear you in another room?

unknown_user5566 26

I'm assuming the parents walked by OP's door and heard the noises. OP wouldn't necessarily have to be that loud for the parents to hear it if the walls aren't very soundproof.

unknown_user5566 26

To be fair, video games are becoming increasingly physical. I downloaded Fruit Ninja for my Kinect the other day, and it whooped my ass. Yes, I know I'm out of shape. :)