By Anonymous - 23/06/2012 13:11 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, my parents were awake while I was still in bed on my iPod touch. I decided to play The Smurfs Village. One of its minigames involves shaking the iPod, so I was breathing heavily. Later, my parents sat me down for a little "talk". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 766
You deserved it 7 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shaking an iPod makes you breath heavily? Maybe you need to do some more cardio =P

It would have been better if they'd walked in and seen you breathing heavily in bed while looking at Smurfs.


I have a workout plan for you. First start on the PC and exercise your hand until it is strong enough to play on the Wii. For your legs you must have to go up or down a flight of stairs for food, then back. After awhile you will be much stronger and be able to withstand more hand motions. By then you can go hardcore and play on the Xbox Kinect.

Yes, except that the kinect doesn't require you to physically hold anything..

Sounds like you need another form of cardio if you're in bed and your iPod makes you breathe heavily. Yikes.

anarchistpunk 3

Yeah dude, OP's going to be dead when the zombies take over. That's the real FML.

DontModMeDammit 10

Well it seems that he probably has a stockpile of twinkies, so he can always bribe someone to keep him safe.

XDSmilezXD 4

...Hahaha. Best comments I've seen on FML.

shawnaishere 14

I wonder how the conversation went and the look and your face

I know there's a blue in the face joke here somewhere(although your face gets red when embarassed). I just can't think of it, so if anyone wants to give it a go, please do.

I'll make a black and blue mark on your face for that comment. how's that for a "blue in the face" joke?

ArsenalFan12 0

If you are winded from shaking an iPod you are seriously out of shape

unknown_user5566 26

Obviously it's a game that can be played on the iPod. Once again I am severely disappointed in the lack of deduction skills on this site.

peachyFML 17

It's an app where you control a village of little blue people.

I know what you're talking about. I found out that you can also swipe the screen until the potion is mixed. But sorry fer ya