By Anonymous - 23/06/2012 13:11 - Australia - Melbourne

Today, my parents were awake while I was still in bed on my iPod touch. I decided to play The Smurfs Village. One of its minigames involves shaking the iPod, so I was breathing heavily. Later, my parents sat me down for a little "talk". FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 766
You deserved it 7 800

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shaking an iPod makes you breath heavily? Maybe you need to do some more cardio =P

It would have been better if they'd walked in and seen you breathing heavily in bed while looking at Smurfs.


Seems like someone doesn't have alot of stamina.. ;o

HelloChrissy 9

Wow, ydi for being out of breath while playing a game. I doubt you could even have sex without having a heart attack...

How does shakin ur iPod make u breathe heavily? How fat r u?

unknown_user5566 26

Fat does not automatically = out of shape. I have some larger friends who are big because of medical conditions, and their cardio stamina is probably better than mine.

Hahahaha now you need to make them hear the difference between lack of exercise breathing and masturbation breathing.

CoriBaby 5

try getting in shape using the shake weight...

Drizzelhell 3

It will really help u smurf all over smurf village.

perdix 29

They're probably horrified that you are masturbating to a kid's cartoon. Even old folks know there's plenty of free **** on the Internet and want you to wank like a normal person. If the sight of actual organs frightens you, at least choke it to hentai.

unknown_user5566 26

I imagined this as a situation where mom got all pissy and righteous about masturbation, and after the talk dad took OP aside to explain the correct way to choke the chicken.

perdix 29

I didn't make myself clear, then. I was implying parents that were unexpectedly supportive of the OP's self-pleasuring activities, yet remarkably stringent and judgmental when it came to appropriate masturbational material. I'll try to do better next time.

79, Agreeing with your comment, I would like to add that if I was the original poster's parents, I wouldn't judge the kid/teenager for masturbating to the Smurfs. I'd be telling him to do that all he wants because choking the chicken won't knock up a girl. :-)

Time to get in shape and do some cardio. I mean breathing heavily from shaking an iPod.