By no_service - 19/06/2009 17:57 - United States

Today, my phone died. I plugged it in to charge and then went out to run some errands. When I returned, my phone was no where to be found, and our shovel was on the floor, muddy and wet. I then discovered my 6-year old son had buried my "dead" 200$ palmpilot because he had felt sorry for me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 629
You deserved it 7 017

Same thing different taste

Top comments

what, you left your son alone. who was watching him?!

Seti_fml 0

I would be sooo pissed. Especially since it's hard to be mad at your kid since he was trying to help.


Why would you leave a six year old home alone?! Bad parenting

The dollar sign goes before the number. Why are you having kids while you're in preschool?

Was your 6 year old home alone? Why was no one watching him?