By megatron - 16/03/2016 17:04 - United States - Naperville

Today, my roommate decided to go on a group trip instead of paying our water bill. Now I can't shower until next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 18 029
You deserved it 1 585

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I hope you created a contract and had it signed with said roommate. Would've been a lot easier to pay it yourself then, go after them with the contract. Sorry op :/

CheekyRaccoon 27

Well your roommate sure transformed into an Optimus Prick. Don't worry Megatron, you'll have your day.


Dry shampoo, wipes and perfume will be your best friends for the next week. Sorry they did that. Good luck OP!

get a room for a hour at palace in. it's 20 bucks. that or go to a gym or homeless shelter. or ask friends, family

Schizo_teddy 4

100% why I refuse to get a roommate.

If there's any gyms/pools nearby you have a membership to maybe use their showers? Or even a friend's house?

You could always try using the showers at the local gym until they get back from their trip ?