By leez - 01/02/2009 10:43 - United States

Today, my roommate has gone home for the weekend. She forgot to turn her alarm clock off. Her door is locked. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 075
You deserved it 1 840

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ugh, that happened like 5 different times last year in my dorm. only the alarm would go off for days on end. and one time it was over christmas break.

Find the switchboard and turn off the power in the room, then back on. It will effectively turn off the alarm.


this would only be an FML if you added something like "every day it goes off at 4 in the morning" or something.

KrazyKatz3 26

It's probably an alarm that doesn't stop going off until you turn it off...

gone_fishing 0

I get that nearly every day!!!

Go to the breaker box and see if you can turn off the electricity to her room or even her side of the house.

Or you can just flip the main breaker if you can't just get her side and it should reset the'll have to reset microwaves, stoves, dvd players, and stuff but it will turn off.

just over load an outlet them wait for a reboot. or just ask for a spare key

she has a cruddy alarm.. most the alarms clocks i have owned, the alarm turns off after a minute

Hunthas 17

the same thing happened to me, except with raccoons :(

turn the electrics off and on no big deal learn to think..