By Carebeareatu - 14/09/2013 05:42 - United States - North Richland Hills

Today, my sister came out of her room sobbing uncontrollably. When I asked what was wrong, she put her fingers in my face and asked if they smelled like pickles, and if "that's normal for girls". They did. It's not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 578
You deserved it 3 587

Carebeareatu tells us more.

op here. I don't know why they did. I dont want to know why they did.

Top comments

jw90 18


BriannaMGK 15

She needs a trip to the gynecologist, & maybe to the closest pharmacy!

MikaykayUnicorn 36

Why is everyone assuming she's been touching herself & that's why her fingers smelled like pickles?

Why did her fingers smell like pickles? What was she doing with them for them to smell?

junbes2007 7

she's on her period. she needs a good feminine wash. that'll do it.

If she smells like pickles I think she might need to wash a lot more.