By Carebeareatu - 14/09/2013 05:42 - United States - North Richland Hills

Today, my sister came out of her room sobbing uncontrollably. When I asked what was wrong, she put her fingers in my face and asked if they smelled like pickles, and if "that's normal for girls". They did. It's not. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 578
You deserved it 3 587

Carebeareatu tells us more.

op here. I don't know why they did. I dont want to know why they did.

Top comments

jw90 18


Not sure how to respond.....just, um....wth did I just read? FYL OP.

A person who is open with there sibling(s) nice.

1jordan1 11

Why's that weird? Have you never heard of hand soap?

it's probably just BV. a lot of girls have it and can get rid of it, boys carry it and don't know.. it's the fishy smell from bacteria.. if a girl doesn't have it and only has sex with one person and gets it it's the guy not knowing it he's cheating

Actually it's not necessarily transmitted through sex, virgin girls can get it too. It's usually caused by the body making more bad bacteria than good.

So.....her va-j-j smells like pickles .... How delightful

op here. I don't know why they did. I dont want to know why they did.

HeyHeyFishFillet 34

Oh you know why, we all know why...

MikaykayUnicorn 36
MikaykayUnicorn 36

Please tell us when you find out what it was, I'm extremely curious.

I just talked to her and it did turn out to be a joke. I found the pickles in her room. I think what's worse is that she's my older sister, and I was so confused on what was happening and why xD Anyway, I wanted to update everyone more because my last comments were really small and kind of a bore. (: She really got me..

ThatFancyPenn 18

I don't know seems to me like the pickle jar was just a cover up..

I feel that I need the op to come back and explain this a bit more but at the same time fear the response!

I am interested in what the hell the sister was doing before this event. I've heard of a fishy smell but pickle smell? Somewhat confused