By iamsolid - 20/10/2012 15:10 - United States

Today, my sister-in-law was diagnosed with breast cancer. My mother then confided in me that she suspected it was a prank to get more money from our family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 958
You deserved it 1 755

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Revan501 15

Man you mother sounds like a cold hearted bitch.


Easy to resolve just be supportive and attend her medical visits with her contribute at the appt for medical bills each time you go with

Oh the joys mother-in-laws bestow onto their children-in-law... Sorry OP!!

Knock knock... Who's there?... **** tho website.

Your mother is obviously ****** in the head

I really don't see how this is FYL. This is F your sister-in-law's Life. First, she gets cancer. Secondly, your mom is being a bitch to her.

Hopefully one day when she's struggling with a horrible, possibly life threatening condition, she will think back to this and feel like the massive jerk she is.

Either your sister in law is a sick person or your mom is a sick person.

doglover100 28

Hopefully she isn't lying. I don't think she is, your mom is cold hearted.

So... Is your life ****** because your mom is crazy or because your sister in law is crazy? Because I know people who have claimed to have cancer for sympathy/money and I know people who are bitchy enough to think that legit cancer patients were lying.

Your mom sounds like a heartless bitch. Why would someone lie about having cancer?

It does happen. Some people are actually trying to bilk friends, family, and/or coworkers into raising money on their behalf for nonexistent "treatments". Other people are attention ****** or are otherwise screwed in the head enough that they enjoy the attention/sympathy/pity/whatever. But still, those are a very small, remote minority of people, and unless the S-I-L has a history of this kind of behavior, accusing her of it is the very height of callousness and tackiness.