Let her fund it

By Anonymous - 16/12/2021 17:01

Today, we found out my mother-in-law faked her terminal cancer diagnosis to guilt us into getting pregnant, so she could meet her first grand baby “before it's too late.” In no way can we afford this baby, we are already poor, so this will ruin us financially, yet she’s perfectly healthy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 760
You deserved it 1 591

Same thing different taste

Top comments

This is definitely such a shitty thing to do to someone and you should definitely cut all ties with her. Toxic is toxic, regardless of blood. With that said, I’m confused as to why you guys agreed to try for a baby knowing that it would ruin you financially since you can’t afford it. Kids are really expensive and even if your MIL really was terminal, bringing a child into this world that you can’t afford isn’t a very wise thing to do. Please take care of this baby and love it. And please cut your MIL out of your life. Hoping everything works out for you guys. :)

she will be alive to help atleast. and you should make her help, alot like full time baby sit for free etc ... that should help with expenses. and if shes difficult then with hold the baby visitations from her as she guilted you into it via a major lie


This is definitely such a shitty thing to do to someone and you should definitely cut all ties with her. Toxic is toxic, regardless of blood. With that said, I’m confused as to why you guys agreed to try for a baby knowing that it would ruin you financially since you can’t afford it. Kids are really expensive and even if your MIL really was terminal, bringing a child into this world that you can’t afford isn’t a very wise thing to do. Please take care of this baby and love it. And please cut your MIL out of your life. Hoping everything works out for you guys. :)

Dirtysalamander1 13

did you not read the OP?? he or she told you the reason. the was the point of this post lol

Did you not read the comment you replied to? She specifically says: "even if your MIL really was terminal, bringing a child into this world that you can’t afford isn’t a very wise thing to do". So yeah, the poster did read the post.

definitely make her help you financially. Family supposed to stick together

Unfortunately, they can't "make" her do anything. If she manipulative enough to fake cancer, I don't think I'd want her around my kid anyway.

she will be alive to help atleast. and you should make her help, alot like full time baby sit for free etc ... that should help with expenses. and if shes difficult then with hold the baby visitations from her as she guilted you into it via a major lie

Does she really need to see your baby? She really needs to realize how wrong she was to do what she did.

A sad case that illustrates that regardless of how anyone else feels, you make major decisions like having a child only based on you and your spouse’s wishes and your ability to take care of it. Regardless of if the deceitful old bag was dying or not, you should have made your decision based on your circumstances and not her desire to see grandchildren. If you had done that you wouldn’t be in this situation. I suggest you turn it around. Tell her that you cannot afford a child that she rushed you into and unless she can contribute financially you are going to have to put the child up for adoption. I can just about guarantee that if you do that she will help out. Look into adoption agencies in your area so if she questions you, you can assure her of your intent. Note that she might try to move it up a notch and offer to adopt your child. If she does this it’s probably a bluff - The nice thing about grandchildren as my Dad used to say is that you can enjoy them and then you send them home to their parents.

Give up the kid for adoption. That will teach her! Seriously though, it's worth considering from the point of view of the child.

randybryant799 20

I'm sorry but you deserve it. What a horrible reason for having a baby, especially if you don't want and can't afford one.

You are a terrible person for having a kid because someone else told you to.

Okay first she's an evil bitch but also like uhmmmm y'all shouldn't have had a kid just because someone's dying