By wiifantcso - 01/07/2014 21:57 - United States - Sturtevant

Today, my sister was upset because she felt like no one liked her. Without thinking, I replied, "It's okay. If I acted like you, people would probably hate me, too." This sounded sympathetic in my head. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 027
You deserved it 24 115

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you listen closely you can hear the sound of a sisterly bond breaking.


TheyCallMeDamien 17
Epickitty58 29

Tell your sis you were trying to be helpful. If she's in the mood for being nice, she'll forgive you. But just in case she decides to exact her revenge at 2am, sleep with one eye open.

At least you sincerely tried. That's more than a lot of siblings would do.

imnotanybody 2

It's okay, no matter how angry you make your sister she's still your sister no matter what

If passive aggressive things like that happen a lot, maybe you should filter your sympathetic thoughts first. If it's just with your sister.....ah family love

Tbh I would say the same thing to my bro too ... But since EVERYONE absolutely loves him ,I never get a chance

How in any way does that sound sympathetic?

And this kids, is called verbal diarrhea...

sempisaviour 17

YDI for thinking that rude shit sounded sympathetic.