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Quality family time

By Kjer - 24/03/2013 00:38 - Denmark - Copenhagen

Today, my family and I were visiting an aunt. While helping my aunt to set the table, my sister remarked that from behind I look exactly like her. I reflexively blurted out, "Well fuck you too." Very awkward silence. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 173
You deserved it 41 743

Same thing different taste

Top comments

crackmore278 13

Put your ******* family filter on, why don't ya?

Grootensliven 10

Yes that's always the first response


lautturi 2

I'd say it's more **** her life, unless she doesn't look nice from behind. YDI.

blooddeal 17

Whether Auntie looked nice or not is forfeit, she should have took it as a compliment out of kindness.

regardless of the meaning behind the statement, i dont understand why '**** you too' would be a response to being told you look like someone. but then again maybe im just thick

OP thought her sister was insulting her by saying she looked like her aunt from behind. So OP's comeback was "**** you too". Looks like you missed the entire point of the FML.

How did that even cross your mind? "well my sister is saying something so it must be stupid. Let's swear at her." well I hope your aunt has a good sense of humor

CharresBarkrey 15

I don't think you understood the point of the FML.

In that case I don't think I get it either. Care to explain?

SenselessPattern 12

The FML is worded poorly, but basically the sister said OP looks like the AUNT. Therefore, awkward when OP said 'well **** you too'. OP used the word "her" in the middle of the FML, where it could easily mean two different people, one being the aunt and the other being the sister herself. Hope this helps.

32. But if the sister said "you look just like her from behind" she would mean the aunt. If the sister said "you look just like me from behind" the she would mean herself. So I think this FML goes back to her blurting out curse words?

enormouselephant 15

32 I don't think you get it. When OP said '**** you too' it meant she took the comment comparing her to the aunt negatively. It was offensive to the aunt that OP took it badly.

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

No #40. She said REFLEXIVELY. Meaning it was a reflex, partially on instinct. Just like if I were to pinch you as hard as I possibly can you would reflexively jerk your arm away. Of course, to many of you, you'd think "oh yeah, swearing at a sibling whom compliments you isn't alright". This is playful word play. I have a couple of "reflexive comebacks". I can imagine OP smiling while setting the dinner plate, her sister makes the remark, and OP with a smile on her face says "Well **** you too" entirely jokefully. THEN the awkward silence sets in and the aunt asks "what's that supposed to mean?".

Grootensliven 10

Yes that's always the first response

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

my first thought was the sister has a big ass because it seems like women don't want big asses (in my opinion they're sexy, wish mine was bigger). OP if its a weight problem (as in your sister is heavy and that's why you got offended) take control of your body girl! you can start with something small like replacing all drinks with just drinking water. if you got offensive for other reasons (like your sister has a big ass or whatever genetic given thing)..well be proud and work w it! you always want what you can't have ...some chick might envy u. dude just be happy with yourself coz everyone's beautiful in their own way.

Point of order and reading's the SISTER saying the OP looks like the backside of the AUNT. Got it? Good! Carry on!!

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

Ooooo my ****** bad..did I make a mistake? let's all talk about it and point fingers. either way op flaunt what you got, everyone possesses beauty so work w what ya got girl!

I have no clue what was going through your head OP. **** you.

iLike2Teabag 27
HeyHeyFishFillet 34

I'm curious as to why that response was a reflex...

Or perhaps she has a wide bottom...

Maybe the sister is always insulting OP. Now OP is always ready with a comeback, whether or not it's appropriate.

crackmore278 13

Put your ******* family filter on, why don't ya?

1PersonIsMyWorld 22

I agree.. for ***** sake! granny doesn't need to hear such terrible words.

I have a hard time with the 'family filter' concept, because my family curses all the time and it's totally okay. My mother's nickname for me is 'Bitchface', my brother is '********', and it's been like that since high school - but since I've been an adult outside of any situation where you have to put on a filter for years, I often barely catch myself just about to curse on the rare occasion that I shouldn't. Cursing in front of my Grandma? A-okay. Cursing in front of my boyfriend's mother? Not a great idea.

OP, You should practice your manners for situations like this and not just reply reflexively as you did here. The proper phrase is "Intercourse you, dear sister, with extreme prejudice and chocolate syrup!" Live and learn, OP, live and learn!!

Hey, that could be a boost to her ego :P Just depends on the way you take it :)

...The initial comment on them looking alike. Not her comment back.

blooddeal 17

Your Aunt should have smacked your doppleganger behind with a switch.

iLike2Teabag 27

Because whenever someone faces away from you, you see what they look like from behind..?