By TraumatizedMother - 02/10/2011 07:27 - United States

Today, my six-year-old got in an argument with my four-year-old. I told them to go outside. The next thing I know, my son was standing in front of his sister's burning Barbie's Malibu Dream House, singing "Burn Baby Burn" and cackling madly. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 858
You deserved it 10 325

Same thing different taste

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Hi, I'm CanWeMicrowaveIt. And today, I'm here to talk about a epidemic sweeping the nation: Dream House fires. Did you know that a thousand Barbies a year get killed in house fires caused by their owners? That's almost twice as many that get thrown away, or run over by a car! So please, call this toll free number 1-800-BAR-BQUE, or 1800-117-1783, and donate anything, to help these Barbies, left in the ashes, with no Ken to call them, And we will send you a picture of the barbie you helped. Remember, call 1-800-BAR-BQUE and help save a barbies life. Thank you


Gloritank 8

*Puts on sun glasses* I guess this barbies dreams *pause for effect* went up in smoke. YeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaH!

punkin_26 16

Your Horatio reference is as awesome as this guys kid

Why the f*ck does your son have access to fire let alone, know how to use it. If I new who you where, Child Services would be involved.

Gloritank 8

Eh **** you, you child services callin ****. It's because of people like you that parents are afraid to discipline their kids.

mwmartin2505 0

You aré rugby some people should not be parents, someone should be called to protect the kids.

118: Disciplining a child would have prevented this whole ordeal. The above commenter would have called Child services because the kid had access to fire starting equipment, not because the parent disciplined the child. Learn to read.

You should call them on your own parents for not making you go to school to learn the difference between "new" and "knew". Dumb-ass.

Gloritank 8

Not to mention "where" and "were".

punkin_26 16

I will admit that it was seriously bad parenting, but if the child is disturbed enough to start a fire, imagine how bad it would mess up both kids if they were taken from their parents. I agree that people like you, those who are quick to call child services, are the reason why parents are afraid to punish their kids. Thats how we end up with little firestarters.

punkin_26 16

Also, I'm not sure if many of you are aware of this but The department of Children and Families is one of the most screwed up government organizations. They place kids in foster care with a foster parent that just wants to collect a check for them and doesn't actually care about them. THEN, when they age out of the system they are given a hundred bucks and sent of to figure it out on their own. How is that situation any better?

havocmike 3

I know this is hard to hear and you probably won't accept it: but your kid is sick and needs to be segregated from decent children before someone gets hurt. Get him help, a 6 year old should not know how to start a fire. 100% serious. No troll.

that just made me day. I think you might have to talk to you son though...hahaha

DeadRob 13