By Laila - 20/02/2013 12:01 - United States

Today, my son asked me if the short films I write are for little kids or for adults. Since I write horror-filled films, I said they were for adults. He went and told his teacher that I made "adult films". FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 561
You deserved it 5 242

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Either clear up the misunderstanding or go with the flow and see where it takes you, but if it takes you to a bigger flow... Run.

perdix 29

You should be suspicious if you are invited to Career Day -- and it's at the teacher's house at night. Bow-chicka-bow-bow.


ColbyGB 13

That's to easy to throw a pun at so we'll just say wow now that's a classic I bet that teacher made a face like an adult film star

Apparently it's not as easy to pun over as you thought. Perhaps you might want to just revise the meaning of "pun", honey?

And after a little time, your kid will say "When i grow up i want to be like my mom".

Just clear it with your sons teacher.. My friends little sister had to do a similar project in elementary school, about what their parents liked, she put down her mom liked whiskey sours and the poor woman had to clarify she wasn't a drunk

Oops. I think you may need to tell the teacher what you actually do, or those parent/teacher meetings could be a little awkward!

iammeorami 25