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By alison89430 - 05/12/2016 22:35 - United States - Birmingham

Today, I went to see a movie with my parents. During a sex scene, my dad covered my eyes. I'm married and have 2 kids. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 981
You deserved it 985

Same thing different taste

Top comments

No matter what you'll do, you're always going to be his baby girl. It's love...

That's pretty funny, I hope you just laughed it off


No matter what you'll do, you're always going to be his baby girl. It's love...

Love my butt!!! She's a grown woman who knows what's going on on the screen parents need to realize that. If they can't then they don't need to lay down and have them

If that is your preference in the bedroom, good for you and the man in your life. But I ain't touchin' dat with a ten foot pole..

species4872 19

That's pretty funny, I hope you just laughed it off

mariri9206 32

The age doesn't matter. Parents will always deny the fact that their children have intercourse. And, when you have kids, mommy and daddy had a special hug and the stork brought them a baby. lol

I'm the the blunt kind of person, I don't let my parents get away with that. Obviously I don't give details, but it's no secret that babies come from marital intercourse haha.

mariri9206 32

Good on you for having the kind of relationship with your parents where you guys can be open about this kind of stuff but I do feel compelled to point out that babies just come from intercourse, not marital intercourse. You don't need to be married to have children. :)

No matter what age you are, if you see a sex scene with your parents, it will always be awkward.

crazymentalblond 25

He was more than likely goofing around. Daughter's will always be daddy's little girl no matter how old. It's hard for your dad to admit that you've grown up and don't need him as much any more. If it were me in the situation I'd have laughed it off. Watching or talking about some things with my parents is definitely awkward, even as a grown adult.

CalculatedRisk 19
nonsensical 26

Maybe he's figured that he has enough grandchildren and doesn't need you to get all hot and bothered again.

Might be married with two children but you're still his little girl no matter what happens. Trust me I know, it's hard for my dad to see me as a grown up lol.