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By Anonymous - 20/02/2013 07:31 - United States

Today, the guy I like asked me out for the first time. It's a good thing he did it over Facebook, because I started shaking and almost threw up. I don't know how I'm going to function on our date next week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 403
You deserved it 8 136

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If you can resist the puking, I think the vibrations will be beneficial for other 'activities'

Don't make the mistake another OP made and get shit-faced drunk to "calm your nerves". Take deep breaths, practice conversation with yourself if it helps. Talk to friends, family, etc. about it if they have experience. If all else fails, do some breathing and yoga exercises before the date. It helps calm you down pretty well. Good luck.


If you can resist the puking, I think the vibrations will be beneficial for other 'activities'

13- Really? It's actually quite common (unfortunately)。

Some peoples bodies react to stress by causing all bodily functions to speed up, possibly overloading all senses and then throwing up.

OP, It's because you think he is too good for you. You need to change your self-esteem. Once on a date with a cute girl I was so nervous that I actually threw up. It took time for me to understand that my worries were vain, as it turned out that she were a quiet silly person.

Don't make the mistake another OP made and get shit-faced drunk to "calm your nerves". Take deep breaths, practice conversation with yourself if it helps. Talk to friends, family, etc. about it if they have experience. If all else fails, do some breathing and yoga exercises before the date. It helps calm you down pretty well. Good luck.

crackmore278 13

You've been with guys who have weird fetishes then.

Be that as it may or may not. I was obviously not being serious.

The_F3rris 11

Hella hella hella nervous? Nervous nervous?

If you're nervous just be like Ariel the Mermaid.. Smile & nod.

I act like Scar from The Lion King whenever I go out. For some reason, my dates don't appreciate it.

Haha as long as you don't try to pick up dates like Jafar does

Just don't confuse the fork with a hair brush. :3

wlddog 14

Just pretend you are naked. No wait, that may make it worse. Pretend he is naked. Hmmm. Still not better. Ok, just be named when he comes to pick you up. He will love that.

challan 19

Op, you'll be fine, hang in there! Remember that he is just as nervous, if not more so! Just have fun!

I get like that sometimes too OP and I've been with the same person for two years! Just try not to think about it in the moment, like on the day, just keep your mind busy and drink water. You should be fine as soon as you see him and start having a great time. :) Good luck!

BellaBelle_fml 23

I have been with my husband for almost a year now, and married for five months. Yes, I know, our relationship escalated quickly. But we have known each other for ten years so we already had a friendship and I knew him well enough to know that he really is a great man. I still get butterflies almost every time I see him or even think about him. I still get somewhat nervous when I am near him at times. I still get a tad shaky every once in a while. I still can't seem think straight whenever I am in his presence. I still mix up my words when speaking to him and sometimes even when I'm texting him. I still get a little shy when we are intimate, but trust me, it definitely does not effect our 'bonding'. I still catch myself gazing at him. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. I think it is healthy to still get all mushy-gushy around your partner after you have been with them for a long period of time. It just reinforces my relationship with my husband, not that I truly need it because I am confident in our relationship. It feels so amazing to have the same reactions towards him as I did at the very beginning of our relationship. It reinforces the fact that I am still very much attracted to my husband. And that's a pretty damn good feeling to have!

That actually helped me as well. After your nerves calm and you've been with him for a few minutes, it will all be fine. Just enjoy yourself! And remember, there's always bathrooms if you need any

Learn how to control your breathing. and if you need to puke...excuse yourself