By Anonymous - 11/07/2016 07:58 - Bulgaria - Sofia

Today, my son finally got a job for the first time in his life. He only did it so he can upgrade his PC and buy Overwatch. He's 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 370
You deserved it 3 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dietcoke09 25

When you get a job you earn money so you can buy things you need and want. Apparently he's only buying things he wants but it's also his money to do with as he please. Give him a little push and hopefully that'll make him save his money for what he needs.

Does it matter for what reason he's getting a job? Be proud he took the responsiblity to buy his own shit.


but overwatch is ******* awesome though...

I am 24, a full time student, and still live with my parents. But I also "pay" my rent and expenses by maintaining our 10 acres of ranch land. During the school semester I work 3 days a week for my parents and go to school the other 4. During the summer I work 5 days a week. Dispute all this I also have a gaming PC and play games in my free time. Games are not bad and it's not something to ashamed of to like them, so long as you are willing to work to be able to play.

nitemastr15 17

Perfectly reasonable. It's his money to do what he wants with. As long as he keeps the job, I don't see the problem. He can always start saving after having the game. I had my job for a year before opening a savings account.

ouijacorn 9

Was that the reason he gave during the interview? Because if so, I gotta try that one.

he's not your little baby anymore

Havinci 19

Fantastic, another one of those "you're too old to play video games" parents

KrazyKatz3 26

Well maybe you should make it so he has to pay for rent and food instead of babying him....