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By fuckmylife - 02/02/2010 20:30 - United States

Today, I had to explain to my son that his dad was too busy in a raid on World of Warcraft to be at his award ceremony. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 459
You deserved it 39 393

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Gum_fml 0

a man who loves WoW more than family shouldn't have one to begin with.

you'll be singing cat's in the cradle someday...


YDI for marrying a jackass like that and not forcing him to get treatment for his addiction if he has one, or making him just grow the f up and stop being selfish, or just leaving him. Men are only as evil and selfish and childish as women keep letting them be.

I did naxx but didn't know it was 3 hrs, I was supposed to go with my family to dinner that night.

wow. FYL. time to have a chat to his dad.

Edenbeam 19

This, definitely. Why should the OP have to be the bearer of stupid news?

"Glyry to teh Allaince!" (Extra points for the reference.)

PunxsatownyPhil 0


#54 Why are you acting like women are the supreme leaders of men? it doesnt matter what sex you are, you dont have to be controled by anyone

I don't understand how people get addicted to it. I played it and thought it was the shittiest game ever made. I burned the disc later that day (it was a free gift). YDI for marrying a moron who get addicted to a half-ass video game. now, if it were modern warfare 2, I would understand why, but not agree

lexie206 0

she never stated whether or not she was married to him..

noobgang7 5

I like WoW but I'm not that addicted lmao

mastermind3997 0

quit that game! I used to play it but it just got stupid

Warlord708 0

@ 191.... you know the game gets better level 20 plus.... At OP, you know that sucks, but those raids can really vary in time depending on group, I'm sure it wasn't on purpose... For Garrosh Hellscream! For the Horde!

I hope it was at least a good raid, like ulduar heroic, dudes gettin

danthemovieman82 0

You actually think Modern Warfare 2 is better than WoW? You're officialy an idiot.

Warlord708 0

MW2 was fun untill it went all " I can commando lunge your whole team with a carepackage "

I play as well. The OP needs to learn to play in moderation.

hotscar 3

oh cmon! I don't do that and I'm a guy who likes video games just as much as the next guy!

cowgod 0

modern warfare 2 is the only good excuse. not wow. what kind of awards ceremony was it?


crailboyne 0

how about every1 stops commenting on the first comment so they can be near the top? any1 else agree?

if it takes u 3 hrs to do nax your group sucks. my guild has ICC on farm!

michael32123 0

if you think wow sucks you probably were on a guest account and got to level 2. people do have issues getting stuck in raids in which they can't leave because they would be hated for life by their guild or group. I know it's a video game but alot of ppl treat it too much like one and don't take it seriously. world of Warcraft has over 12-13 million people who play worldwide. your gonna come across a few who think WoW > life


'Today, I got kicked out of my guild because I missed a raid to go to my son's award ceremony, fml.' Now which is worse? I think the man made the right choice.

we've almost finished ICC not farming rep :P

For the horde! Mabye he was playing the new patch that came out today :D But still FYL

you got it mixed up..... men have and will always be the dominent gender. I supose we could say that women are only as selfish and compliment-hungry and men will let them be.

I used to think WoW was the best until I got around level 35 in MW2

Your son's father takes shit way too far, obviously. People may generalize about world of Warcraft as much as they want, but it is a fun game, if it weren't so time consuming I'd probably still be playing. the game does not get fun until you reach the expansions.

he obviously has a life if he has a wife and a child. so what if he enjoys playing WoW he might be a little neglecful but to the looks of it he has a life.

your an idiot because you dont give the time and effort in to it to have the full experience its being called a NOOB and call of duty modern warfare is easy and your good right when you start you are the typical noob in video games.

AbOvE_88 0

WoW sucks ass most, overtalked, overated, boring piece of shit, go join a guild n get some gold u stupid nerd!!

fyl for having a husband who loves his pc more than his kid. divorce.

@330 you can have odd days, I'll take even.

Fiskerz 0

IF you don't support your child's milestones and endevors he may end up here someday writing "first" at the top of every fml. Give him some recognition before he turns into a sad little man

I'm calling fake. WoW players don't get laid.

jacksally88 0

I love my PC more then my girlfriend. I kno a kid is a huge difference. but, Does that make me a bad spouse?

jacksally88 0

Computer Crack!! But, hey, I can't judge. I buy cardboard crack- (MTG)

responses 0

how could anyone think wow Is better than mw2. they're both mlg games and both are on gamebattles but the diffrence Is mw2 has over 50000 teams (literally) and wow has way less. if you don't like playing with people who just care package glitch don't play pubz

Epic_Phale615 0


Wtf OP, WoW before kids? Your an asshole -_-

JoeNormal 0
hotscar 3

epic fail! naxx is and always has been on of the longest raids. also have you never end gamed before? instances take months to beat the first time and take even the most geared players 4hours or so... get a damn life!

blackllama 0

Woot! I have two opinions... 1. Horde raid, He's a terrible father. 2. Loyal to the alliance.

FU 5 yr old alliance players. 4 The Horde. And nowdays you can do the raids at other times or even get it extended. If the guild won't allow it they fail to realize Life>WoW

Mirequetz 6

I play WoW, so does my boyfriend (we live together) and we have never missed anything in real life for a raid. We are in a raiding guild and would gladly leave if they pressured us to stay for a raid rather than do something outside of the game. I'm going to say YDI for not telling your significant other to grow balls and tell your son himself. As well as you for not just pulling the plug. LOK' TAR FOR THE HORDE.

way to boost your favorite faction too bad you spelled it wrong you idiot ALLIANCE FTW

Mirequetz 6

You're the idiot. It's spelled Horde. Moron.

OP this happened to my youngest brother (14) except he missed his OWN awars ceremony. I logged onto his computer went the website and there is a parental control section where you can limit gameplay time and i think with a seperate password. I gave him two hours a day 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. good luck and peace out x

Polionixon 2

SOOOO nina what server are u on ;) lol

Was it ICC or VoA? More importantly, does your hubby play Alliance or Horde? If it wasn't, or he plays Horde, he's a douche.

dumbass casualfag who plays cod mw2: mw only more brown and more bloom. no dedicated server, no custom content, no fun, consolefag gameplay, autoaim, disabled console, most hyped up piece of rehash shit ever invented. now if you said tf2, I wouldn't have insulted you. if you made no reference to any brown-and-bloom spray-and-pray I wouldn't have insulted you. **** mw2 and **** wow.

Moscow_fml 0

Rofl. WoW is good, but not more important than that.

toxic10uhc 0

WoW is great... not getting in the way of family great tho

toxic10uhc 0

COD is super gay... At least in WoW you aren't stuck with 3 weapons In tiny boxes with crappy animations.... and btw WoW is NOOOT half assed. not by a longshot.

addiction? maybe he just didn't want to go to the ******* ceremony! how important can it possibly be? at least he knows to cut the cord!!

toxic10uhc 0

381 yeah. we do. most have a family and social life. it's more a social game than anything. it's just society thinks world of warcraft= geeks

it's acctually not gay or dumb or stupid, it's very fun.

BigM2o3 0

people who give their lives to gaming and miss out in important things like their sons ceremony are wastes of space in the world

WTF really wow shammy25 get a life, everyone knows the horde is way better

whoa um... dude spend more time with your kid, if your too wrapped up in wow then you shouldn't be a father

laurelkaulitz 0

lmao this is really sad buy I know how addicting world of Warcraft is.

wow so bad quit dude I spent 7 or more hrs of my life on that game a day... I'm 13 I found out there's a lot more to do

WoW... even as my name implies, I have have almost no life. But even that is tooooo low... I mean that is not right at ALL... take the time to press Command-Q or Alt-F4 once in a while... There should really be a place like AA for WoW addicts... hehe.. WoWA............

if u think wow is dumb, you're a retarded ******* dick sucking ****** bloody **** ugly bitch. :)

how come "jacksally88" is such an ugly stupid horny bitch?????

xenophanez 0

obviously all these people saying ydi don't find the same pleasure in wow that most of us do... also, with people farming togc/icc its hard to take more than an hour on naxx -_- fail pug if it takes that long imo. also since wotlk came out raids have gotten rediculously easy, it shouldn't take so long that he misses his child's ceremony unless he started the raid soon before the ceremony started, in which case i can completely understand. fyl either way.

328, I suppose that we can pretend to be Socrates and be very intellectual. And like Socrates, be blatantly, insanely sexist.

ThatOneDouchebag 0

It's sad that this is what "parenting" has come to. Fyl op, he is a moron

threer 30

#54, people are in charge of themselves. Men, women, and children are only as evil as they let themselves be.

54, please shut the **** up nobody wants to hear your gender supremacy hate speech

you'll be singing cat's in the cradle someday...

Clarification: my previous comment was not originally on this post. :P I totally agree. "When ya comin' home dad I don't know when!" Dx

oogyboogy 6

you should cancel his account and get his reaction on video, then buy him a shity car, and finally you could hide his Christmas presents so you can watch him burn the Christmas tree

bullsht 0

Does your mum hold a bucket while you sh!t in it to save time?

omnistryder 0

little boy blue and the man in the moon...

crailboyne 0

hey omnistyder that is a super attractive profile pic of you

Gum_fml 0

a man who loves WoW more than family shouldn't have one to begin with.

agree 100% with you. ya beat me to it barely..

exactly! what kind of twat plays world of Warcraft instead of seeing his son at an award giving he doesn't deserve his child.

you should divorce him or talk some sense in to him. If a father is too busy playing WoW that he can't go to his own son's award ceremony is pretty sad. FYL

Flutist 3

Oh wow, Op, how could you demand your husband/boyfriend/baby daddy get off his ass to come see his son's award. I mean those raids are HARD. I mean, a whole bunch of people you don't know playing in their boxers and jacking off to the Elf Hunter in the skimpy skirt. Nope, you couldn't possibly have any reason to be pissed! Kick his ass. I hate when people think kids just get over it. They don't. He is going to remember his dad not being there and it is going to hurt worse than a guild getting pissed. Cause its not like they can't replace the guy with the next generic lever 50. And your poor kid, hell, its not like he's offering your man fake, internet gold. Priorities. Does he offer to pay child support in gold and the parts of animals he has harvested?

ZombieVampirez 24
DavidA91 0

shouldn't have married a loserr

i got addicted nd my grades dropped to fs. my dad blocked it and still wonr let me play and im kinda glad. it took me over.

Enoch134 0

I have same problem but I break every filter my parents install fml for being good with comps lol

lmao tahts kinda sad. i play alot but thats because i honestly have nothing better to do, my parents refuse to let me hang out with friends on weeknights so im stuck at home with nothing to do except msn FB and WoW when that gets old

beany212 0

Pay attention to the OP's gender - it's a woman. I don't think she's the dad. ;)

it could be two women, one of them has to play daddy.

Flutist 3

Actually I know two women at my church raising a girl. They go by Mom and Mother.

f your son's life. His has a bastard for a father

Pearljammer001 0

dude don't bring up cats in the cradle, that makes me want to cry......

Flutist 3

My child arrived just the other day He came to the world in the usual way But there was Alliance to catch and games to play He learned to pwn while I was raiding, And he was playing' 'fore I knew it, and as he leveled He'd say "I'm gonna be like you dad You know I'm gonna be in the Hoard like you... And the group's in the huddle and I'm mining silver too LittleBoyBlue22 and DickInTheMoon When you going to raid dad? I don't know when, but we'll get those Alliance together son You know we'll have a good time then PWNING

good try on the song, but it didn't flow so well for me.