By Anonymous - 11/07/2016 07:58 - Bulgaria - Sofia

Today, my son finally got a job for the first time in his life. He only did it so he can upgrade his PC and buy Overwatch. He's 24. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 370
You deserved it 3 581

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dietcoke09 25

When you get a job you earn money so you can buy things you need and want. Apparently he's only buying things he wants but it's also his money to do with as he please. Give him a little push and hopefully that'll make him save his money for what he needs.

Does it matter for what reason he's getting a job? Be proud he took the responsiblity to buy his own shit.


polsen4273 8

How can this not be a you deserve it??. She is enabling her son to be a bum. He'll probably stay there his whole life if she doesnt give him the boot.

sounds like his priorities are aMEIzing

mariri9206 32

Who cares why he got the job? He got a job so he can buy his own things, instead of mooching off you. And, eventually, work will make him realize the value of a dollar and it might shift his viewpoint on money and spending and he could decide to start saving. He did a responsible thing so he can earn money for what he wants. He's earning it so let him spend it how he wants without any judgement.

Could be worse, he could of stole it. Be thankful he earned it.

61, You've been hearing it wrong. "Could've" does sound like "could of" when spoken, but it's actually the contraction for "could HAVE". Now you know. You're welcome.

FYL I'm sorry that your son plays overwatch.

Or you know you coulda been a good parent and gave him ample notice that he is being removed from the household at 18 if he showed signs of being a non productive member of society

Yeah, no. I'm 23 and I've been clinically depressed for years, mostly because I had no idea about what I wanted to do in life/what I'd be good at, and the pressure and the guilt of "being a non-productive member of society" only made it worse, it was a vicious circle. Pressuring your child like that is not "being a good parent".

I'm guessing he is still living with you, you can get him to start paying rent and utilities. And if that doesn't help with him getting serious about life. At least you won't be letting him mooch off of you, anymore.

So if he had gotten a job for something YOU approve of it would be ok? He's doing the responsible thing, getting his own money to support his own whims rather than asking someone else for money. He's not harming anyone in the process, he's being active in society and doing something he likes at the same time. Typical baby boomer, aren't you?

Hey if that's what it takes to motivate him, more power to him. Don't fret too much, once he finds a girl, his ambitions will really pick up speed.

You probably should have made him get a job before he turned 24.