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By thebeachisthatway - 22/10/2012 18:56 - United States - Worcester

Today, my son got expelled after using the photocopier to photocopy his penis. He then used the copies to replace every directional arrow posted throughout the school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 255
You deserved it 5 276

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Whichever head he was thinking with it was ******* genius!

ArielTheMermaid 17

I give him points for creativity. That's hilarious!

Gonna lie... I wouldn't even ground him based on she sheer amount of epicness your son just executed

Who else got a good laugh out of this?

The small head usually gets guys in trouble.

62 - Are you ******** me? So It's her fault her kid did this?

93. The smaller head usually gets me into something. Not always trouble, but it gets me in.

klovemachine 24
Cowboy1986 4
icmandel 2

Im with 18 on this one, thats kind of awesome!!!!

CheeseTron 15

Indeed. Bill Gates did the same exact thing.

flockz 19
UncleMuscles 5

Microsoft uses processors made out of foreskin.

102, I think it sounds like you're just upset because you know you could never come up with something as fantastically hilarious as OP's child.

crazytwinsmom 25

Creativity is highly valued in many professions.

4 He's going places and pointing out the way.

roximomma 3

I'm surprised anyone could see it. It's probably tiny.

379_fml 11
maronofhearts 19

Sounds like 160 is a little jealous. Being insecure is normal but attacking a kid you never met after they did something way more awesome than you ever did is going a bit too far to secure your manhood

If he was underaged doesn't it count as distributing child pornography?

I don't think the head is what he was using.

He was using his head- it was just the smaller one.

Nogood9 nerds to start using his actually head if he didn't get that joke.....

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay smaller.

#48 You need to use some actually grammar.

That's not a grammar issue, she simply typed something wrong. No big deal.

Well, instead of needs, she typed nerds. That is an acceptable typo. However, instead of actual, she typed actually. I don't think that is a typo.

And definitly NOT acceptable. SHE WILL BURN IN HELL Sarcasm used by the way

hotPinklipstick 24

That's either pure stupidity or pure genius. Most people wouldn't have the balls to do it.

MrBond007_fml 6

Even fewer people would have the dick.

It'd depend on what kind of balls though, now wouldn't it?

melonrind 8

I would have a hard time punishing him for that... It's hilarious!

By expelling him they are acknowledging that he can't top his feat. Now he has no need to. They have ensured his legacy.

Make sure to let him know that not everything the Romans did was a good idea.

unknown_user5566 26

The Romans used a photocopier to make copies of their penis?

gibby1235 6

37: Nah. They had scribes for that.

Daffodilly 14

They used to draw (etch) penises around their cities. It was a sign of prosperity, similar to a graffiti peace sign.

They also used it (and at times, carvings of feet) to point towards the local brothels. Happened a lot in port cities.

briteone 2

She's implying that his friends at school (Rome) probably egged him on

damn_homie 2

It would have been awesome if he didn't get expelled.