By Anonymous - 28/06/2014 20:40 - United States - Oakland

Today, my soon to be mother-in-law sent out the invitations she made for my wedding. On them, it says "You are invited to this 'special' event". In the same way, I'm referred to as "special", and my name is misspelled. Hint taken, you bitch. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 329
You deserved it 4 637

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Monster-in-law award goes to this one! Sorry op, she has some problems.

She seems 'special' in her own little ways, too.


Mother in law can be rearranged to spell woman can't fix this with subtlety OP!

nannyRayRay 14

I don't understand people like your soon to be mother is law it's just ludicrous and unnecessary

squarecircles 13

She sounds pretty special herself. What does your fiancé think about this?

My friend going thru same thing i swear! His monster-in-law just left his last name off the thing entirely! Good luck!

Best of luck on trying to outlive her

Tf? After watching 95% of my family getting married I've learned that if I ever get married myself let NO ONE send out the invited. Make them yourself