By WritingWrongs - 25/11/2012 13:28 - United States

Today, my step-mom threw out some of the "boxes of junk" in my room, because apparently, I'm a pack rat. I guess she and everyone else in my family won't be receiving those Christmas presents. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 685
You deserved it 1 872

WritingWrongs tells us more.

But the dead bird I got this year was extra special!

Top comments

What right is she going in your room, anyway? Every girl knows you never touch a 'box' without asking...

HighlandShadows 48

I have a theory: Your mother knew they were Christmas presents and threw them out anyway. Sorry to be the one to tell you, but your mother is in fact the Grinch.


GripItRight 10

If you're lieing it sounds like a great way to cover that you're cheap. If not, tell the family and save your receipts in case they call you on it.

I would love to see the continuation of this come Christmas. "Today, my stepmom bitched about not getting her Christmas gift. I kindly showed her my last fml to remind her why. FML."

That does suck in your behalf, but wait until Christmas for her to ask where her presents are from you

My mom always cleaned my room without telling me. She never threw anything away, but she always moved everything where I couldn't find it. Then she forgot.

3words frm me smack the b!T(# thats st8 owt sad what she dd

redhedsaysrawr 18

Something sorta similar happened to me, I keep my old water bottles in my room to use the excess for water with my art when pairing. My mom saw two "unopened" bottles, threw the others away, but put the two in the fridge and later drank them. They were over a month old. Oh well, she's learned her lesson.

HunterAlpha1 8

i positively HATE people who just throw stuff away without even looking at it or asking about it. almost as bad is people(my mom & grandma) who won't let you throw ANYTHING away, no matter how useless or unwanted.

Well, now you tell her she has to buy all the replacements. Either that or everyone gets nothing and she's the reason why.