By WritingWrongs - 25/11/2012 13:28 - United States
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But the dead bird I got this year was extra special!
Top comments
Reminds me of the one where his mother sold his "black picture frame" that he always left laying around the house for a couple of bucks. He later found that she had sold his Nook with all his books and school text books on it. FYL
Is her name jan Just wondering
OP inform your step mother she now owes you money to replace the gifts. If she refuses, then don't buy anything back and never buy her a present again. Her invasion of your privacy is unacceptable. Also, clean your room op.
Don't go out and buy them anything. Make sure you let them all know on Christmas that she'd thrown them out.
Not your problem just don't go buy them anything else
Well she deserved that one...
well thats her fault
What right is she going in your room, anyway? Every girl knows you never touch a 'box' without asking...
I have a theory: Your mother knew they were Christmas presents and threw them out anyway. Sorry to be the one to tell you, but your mother is in fact the Grinch.