By Anonymous - 09/07/2018 15:00

Today, my stepson objected to being woken up at almost dinner time. He knows I have PTSD from my 2 tours of duty, so he turned his speakers way up and blasted the sounds of gunfire through the whole house. I hyperventilated and passed out. Little bastard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 326
You deserved it 382

Same thing different taste

Top comments

chris_lillo 15

It's time for you to enjoy a new set of speakers courtesy of your stepson. Strip his room bare of his unnecessary possessions and have him learn respect the hard way.

This is where you go into his room while he's sleeping and smash everything electronic, then sign the little bastard up for boot camp. He'll learn how to wake up at civilized times, and have a better respect for those who served in the armed forces.


just buy a bunch of small locks and put them on the neutral tine (that's the one with the hole in it( in the US though)) on the cords to his electronics much better that taking them away he gets to see them but not be able to use them }:->

Fake an episode and pretend he's Taliban you have to "interrogate" and scare the shit out of that little bastard.

First thank you for your service. Second when he is out of the house change the electrical breaker or fuse for his room so that it trips whenever he turns that stereo on. Or short sheet his bed. Or replace all of his underpants with thongs. Or cut one of his bed legs shorter than the others. Or super glue the door handle of his room. Or get a service dog that protects you. There are so many ways to get even. However God bless you.

thatslifeiguess7 16

I agree get noise cancel headphones and blast taps

IrieStorm 9

I would suggest taking everything that had ANYTHING to do with the sounds that he played. That would mean speakers, cell phone, and likely internet access. Might as well take his bedroom door while you're at it. Hold it all until he can prove to you that he has learned the lesson. Have a serious talk with his mother as well. Intentionally triggering a serviceman's PTSD is NOT okay, under ANY circumstances.

I can strongly sense this is the work of a white child

That little bastard needs his ass beat. And maybe he should be thrown into the military and sent on tour so he knows what it's like. OMG if that had been my kid, he wouldn't be able to sit down for a week.

Thank you for your service and you certainly didn't deserve that. I hope your wife had a talk with him, I know I would have.