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By zachjm98 - 15/09/2015 10:31 - Canada - Ottawa

Today, my teacher plugged the speakers into the wrong input on his computer, and said, "Oops, wrong hole", to which one of the students who often makes the same mistake said, "Story of my life". I understood it differently and started laughing. It would have been fine if the teacher wasn't her father. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 811
You deserved it 3 644

zachjm98 tells us more.

zachjm98 16

OP here!! Wow, thanks for the funny comments, guys! If I knew this would have gotten featured so quickly I would have made an account beforehand! Anyways, quick follow-up: This "class" of mine is actually a co-op program in music for songwriting/recording/touring which I'm doing a second time now. My teacher knows me well, the student in question is my best friend and her father found the incident to be quite funny actually. All is good!

Top comments

I don't understand how people can hear an innuendo like that and not laugh.

Steve95401 49

Is it too late in the school year to change classes?


sometimes, you should put more creativity in your comment

Sometimes, creativity can make or break a comment. You should try it sometime, #19.

yes!! this fml just made the day! laughing so hard rn!

Am I the only one who sees the innuendo in your comment?

nope we all see it, that's why it's funny

#2 From a distance you look like Gerard Butler

carlfirebolt 27

what was the teachers reaction?

Steve95401 49

Is it too late in the school year to change classes?

I don't understand how people can hear an innuendo like that and not laugh.

Right. I'd laughing my ass off. and I wouldn't get in trouble. because female and all makes it less creepy according to the world

To me the fact he is her father only makes it better.

zachjm98 16

(OP here) Her father actually found it hilarious. I've been in his class last year, her daughter's my best friend and everything is good :p

So I must've missed something. Where's the FML?

Well op the fml sure made it sound like shit went down, glad everything is cool. I agree with #5, how is it you were the only one to laugh at that, I mean c'mon it was classic!

If it's "all good", then is it really an fml? I'm glad it worked out but still...

zachjm98 16

Everyone laughed once they realized why I did :p

If this is the worst thing to happen to you, consider yourself lucky OP.

whoevenncares 9

What's wrong with being homeschooled?

What's not? the damage to one's social skills is enough on its own

I know you're just making jokes and I'm not offended, but I also just want to state that I was homeschooled from kindergarten to grade 3 and also grade 5 and I loved it! I learnt so much more and was smarter being homeschooled than in public school. Also, we were often done by 12:00-1:00, which meant we got to play and do whatever we wanted the rest of the day. It taught me a lot about being self-disciplined and working on my own. Because I was homeschooled I learnt to read at age 4. And despite the stereotypes I was extremely social. I was involved in a lot of sports and classes and extra curricular activities so I was always with other kids, and we always got to do random field trips. Another really good part was we could take off a day (or few) anytime there was anything special or if there were any trips we wanted to go on; we weren't bound to a schedule. I hated being in public school and hated the time that was wasted. I was dying for the teacher to tell me what to do and then leave me alone to do it. I knew from being homeschooled that I could've learnt the same amount of material and had the same amount of work done in half the time (which is why we were usually done by 12:00). Trust me, homeschooling is awesome. It's basically the same as taking an online course vs being in class. Who doesn't want to do online courses? Work on your own time, your own schedule, while in your pjs if you want. Sounds good to me!

And 34, although it is a stereotype I can also agree that there are a lot of kids that are homeschooled that are socially awkward (my brothers and I met quite a few at other homeschooling events; which we hated going to!). But there are also a lot who aren't. I think it's important that the kid is involved in a lot of sports or extracurricular activities so they still spend a lot of time socializing with other kids. We were in a lot sports and activities; swimming, soccer, baseball, figure skating, music lessons, etc, we did it all. I think that's extremely important to do for the social health and maturity of any homeschooled kid.

ShirtlessWonder 17

#57 Just saying, I'm pretty sure you being home schooled had nothing to do with how you learned to read at 4, as school (public or private) wouldn't have even started then anyway, and it is the parents' responsibility at that age to handle education regardless. I learned to read and do basic arithmetic when I was 3/4, because public school didn't even start until 2 years later.

Well, he knows who the guilty party is.

I wouldn't have even cared. If I was the only one laughing at this I would look into another school. I couldn't be around people like that

Well the teacher being the father wouldn't prevent me from laughing ( if you find something you'll laugh).

How can they not hear the double meaning to that? Would not have been able to stop laughing if it were me!