By meh - 18/01/2012 05:21 - Canada

Today, my teacher, who's Irish, called me insensitive and stupid for imitating her accent. I'm Filipino and my parents immigrated to Ireland where I was born, and then we moved to Canada when I was 14. Her response to my explanation? "Bullshit." FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 156
You deserved it 3 041

Same thing different taste

Top comments

UrLyfSuxx 0

Damn. But hey, accents are cool.


dodzin 9

Well, typical Canadian teacher, eh?

Ask her if she wants to call your parents? Lol

BlackBlazeCobra 16

She's a bitch. FYL for sure. Also, anyone else besides me think of one of the contradictory Starburst commercials? "You're Scotch-Korean!" I Don't mean that in a bad way though, it's just the European/Asian mix.

bigdaddy93 8

Don't fuss. Don't argue. Just hit that bitch with a bottle!!!!

Sounds like somebody's upset that someone's infringing on her Special Snowflake status. Or maybe her Special Clover status in this case.

well, its a shame you aren't scotch-Korean... you could be laughing together about contradictions. but instead you just have to be a Filipino-Irish-Canadian...which isn't funny or related at all. insensitive prick....Smh

Look who's the insensitive and stupid one...

Time for a parent, teacher and principal conference. Followed by an apology.