By jsquared - 05/11/2010 23:17 - United States

Today, my twin sister sent a nude picture to her boyfriend, who then forwarded it on to everyone else. Everyone else thinks it's me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 669
You deserved it 3 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haven't got my copy yet, keep forwarding!

Lizza330 28

Talk to your sister and make her tell them it's her.


Get a cute tattoo somewhere hidden but not too private and next time (your sis seems skanky so assuming a next time is probable) you will have evidence that it isn't you ;D

her bf is a loser....not your sisters fault

victoria023 0

she shouldn't be a **** and send dirty pictures of herself.. not even to her bf

Why would every think your sister's boyfriend has a naked picture of you, and not your sister who is his actual girlfriend. Either "everyone" who received the picture is retarded or you're a known ****.

FML_Indefinitely 0
Gemma_Mansonite 20

Good point but here is my theory... The boyfriend got a pic of his girlfriend, forwarded it everyone, then people thought it was the sister because, the sister sent a pic to the boyfriend so the boyfriend wants to show her she can't send pics of herself to other peoples boyfriend so he got payback by forwarding the pic.

well her boyfriend is just a complete asshole then ain't he. why would he send it round? just talk t o everyone about it.. your sister must be a 'little goodgirl'

ahhh i always wanted a twin sister . but not now :(

Does it really matter if you have the goods share them with the world!!

I'll need pics. of each of you verify your story kkplzthx. I'll get back to when the test results come in.

sammehsaurus 0

To those who say that people should assume it's her sister because it's her sister's boyfriend: what if people forwarded it after they originally got it from him? The number would be different..

sammehsaurus 0

*And I didn't mean to reply to this comment DX