By jsquared - 05/11/2010 23:17 - United States

Today, my twin sister sent a nude picture to her boyfriend, who then forwarded it on to everyone else. Everyone else thinks it's me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 669
You deserved it 3 128

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Haven't got my copy yet, keep forwarding!

Lizza330 28

Talk to your sister and make her tell them it's her.


vballchick101 0
KrustX 0

What's the difference anyway? Even if she says it's the other one, they're twins!

xxmadicxx 0

Too bad this is a fake written by someone who doesn't actually have a twin. Even if your identical twins,there are still little differences. take advice from an actual twin,me.

It's not fake. If it was it would not have been posted here.

riiiiiight..... because the fml detectives would have tracked it down first?

Trixies100 0

#what does that have to with anything.

funzcpl 0

your sisters boyfriend is a prick for putting her business out there like that.

Quest_ 13

Your sister has a rad boyfriend.

iVereor 0

wow the bf is horrible. she shouldn't trust him with a pic like that if he can't keep it to himself. and sucks for you op.