By BriSwag4321 - 21/09/2018 05:00

Today, I accidentally sent a nude to my girlfriend's father. He screenshotted it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 409
You deserved it 3 006

Same thing different taste

Top comments

MannyWasHere 12

At least her dad didn’t send you one back too...


MannyWasHere 12

At least her dad didn’t send you one back too...

This sounds like the beginning of a threesome I DO NOT want to know about! Repeat: DO NOT!

Don't put another foot wrong, or that photo is going all around your school/college/place of work/neighborhood.

SandMan344888 5

A man of class I see 😏😏

At least you have options if it doesn't work out with your girlfriend.

Justin Allan Bannister 9

remember that game... "Dont Wake Daddy".... you awoken Daddy maaannn