By Gurior - 16/04/2013 17:44 - Canada

Today, my virginal girlfriend of a year graduated from veterinary school. She can shove her arm shoulder-deep up a cow's ass without blinking, but still feels too insecure to even touch my penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 75 457
You deserved it 19 628

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Gurior 4

Top comments

simplysarcastics 26

Respect her values dude, if you love her enough you will wait. And loosing her virginity is much different than her job.

well, you can't get pregnant from a cow's ass


Sounds like you're someone who sees sex as an important part of a relationship (which is fine), but honestly, if it bothers you that much, you should be talking to her about it. She may not be ready or she may be adamant about waiting, and if she's either of those, you'll have to either suck it up and wait (assuming you really care about her and not just having sex), or simply end the relationship. If two people want different things, things are gonna go downhill sooner than later.

Just going off your post, it doesn't seem like you deserve her virginity. You have to have a huge level of trust, respect and love for that, sounds like you need to talk to her, if you're really this upset (broadcasting it to the world) maybe you should find someone more suited to your needs and let her find someone willing to wait respectfully for her to be ready.

TcheQ 12

That's what wanking is for. Get over it. If you don't like a girlfriend with standards, I'm sure there's plenty of cheap nasty ***** for the likes of you

She's probably just more comfortable with animals because she knows them inside and out. Plus they won't judge her. Just sit down with her and tell her you won't judge her and that you care about her. Say you try going further in bed. Just be gentle about it

Insecure? Or waiting? From the sound of your post, I'd say good for her for not wasting it on an asshole. Be a man, and respect her, or go find some worthless **** who's more to your liking.

#239, yes, what an asshole! A human being with needs, feeling unhappy that his girlfriend is too insecure to have sex with him after a year, but not indicating in any way he is giving her a hard time or plans to break up with her over it. Staying in a relationship for a year despite his needs not being met - what an asshole. <--- a girl who was - and still is - insecure about her sexual performance and so put off sex with her boyfriend for much longer than would have otherwise. You're a judgemental idiot, thinking you know someone better than their boyfriend of one year.

OP, for one, you have to understand that society puts ridiculous value on a woman's virginity. If she has sex, she is suddenly impure and is of less worth than a woman who has not. It's stupid, yes, but that is what a patriarchal system does. Also, just from the wording, you sound a little like you think like she owes you a sexual favour. Not sure if that's what you intended, but it came across that way.

Thank God there are other people with a similar thought process as me. Waited for the right girl and am very happily in love.

Are you serious right now? I honestly hope she left you. She's better off with the cow.

maybe she's not comfortable with anything sexual? i say just respect her and maybe she will one day, but don't be expecting it

She just wants to wait till marriage, it a smart choice... don't push her to do diners he doesn't want to do, it her choice