By Nick - 20/03/2009 16:45 - United States

Today, my wife of over 20 years told me she wants a divorce because she wants "a change in life." She has had the same mullet haircut since '84. FML
I agree, your life sucks 80 262
You deserved it 9 127

Same thing different taste

Top comments

While she's sleeping, dye her skin purple and turn everything in the house upside down. How's that for change?


bigcrazymike 6

OMG! Dude, your wife's a lesbian!

I think the point of the mullet comment in this FML is that there is probably a lot of other things that this woman could have done to have a "change of life" than get a divorce... and the real issue there is that she would rather divorce her husband than change her god-awful outdated hairstyle. Suxors. Sorry, dude :(

WendlaMimii 0

That sucks man. I think you should shave her mullet in her sleep.

lol Sorry, that's just code for "the sex got boring". Poor you.

kellster 2

Wow, I guess that's what you get for marrying someone with a mullet. Crappy news, though.

ohshitmoment 0

Tell your wifey to start small and then go big. You know, tell her to change up her hairstyle and wardrobe once every decade. And then move on to something bigger, like taking up a hobby. Yoga might be good for her (hahahah, imagine a mullet on someone in a headstand....that's a broomstick!) She'll get her change in life, and I'm sure that a happier wife couldn't hurt. ;) But all jokes aside, no matter how this turns out for you, I wish you all the best.

Ender_ 0

#90 - If that is for real you dad that would make my life complete. It'd be even better if this is how you found out your parents were getting a divorce. (I would post a turn-around FML but people already do that and it gets kind of lame)

agentasuka 0

She's definitely met someone else.