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By -_- - 12/01/2014 08:03 - United States

Today, my wife told my 7-year-old son that he looks just like me. He began crying and said, "I don't want to be ugly like him." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 461
You deserved it 4 923

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Perhaps teaching your child some manners?

your son is 7. I wouldn't take it to heart. one day he'll be glad to look just like you.


Perhaps teaching your child some manners?

Redoxx_fml 22

Just don't be too harsh or he won't wanna be like you either

HowAreYouToday 34

well, maybe just calmly explain to him why what he said hurt. young children can be cruel without realising it so.

teaching you kid to lie is not right if he's ugly he's ugly can't beat around the bush.

HowAreYouToday 34

its not lying, its respecting peoples feelings.

jazzy_123 20

I think it was just an innocent act. Nothing to do with disrespect. I don't think this child would have reacted that way if he was 12.

RedPillSucks 31

He 7, not 3. At 7 I was perfectly capable of understanding words that hurt

jazzy_123 20

I'm saying OP shouldn't take it too hard. The kid probably said it with no intentions of hurting his feelings. At 19 I sometimes accidentally say things that hurt people and I don't mean to. It happens.

children do not have a filter, not neccesarily a lack of manners

HowAreYouToday 34

yes. it was the fashion police.

I just can't see a 7 year old caring about attractiveness... Sue me.

HowAreYouToday 34

ok. ill have my lawer call you.

xThatOneWeirdGuy, completely offtopic but I just ONLY now realized in that picture you have, you look exxxactly like Theo Rossi aka Juice from the show in my picture. Sons of Anarchy. :O

EmsyyyRose13 24

#54, My seven year old sister definitely cares about appearance. She worries about her outfits looking nice, and tries to look cute. Seven year olds do care about appearance. However, the son in the FML does need to be told that what he said was rude and hurt his father's feelings.

your son is 7. I wouldn't take it to heart. one day he'll be glad to look just like you.

Totally, most kids don't have a sense of empathy. I wouldn't take it too personally.

I thought the only honest people are little children and drunk people? Hmm...

wellthen7154 12

Nope sorry. Young children are proven to lie quite frequently, as recent tests show. It actually shows healthy development if young children lie on occasion. Of course, I think OP's kid was making that comment because he's still a little too young to know what not to say. Just let him know he can't call people ugly just to, well, call them ugly.

Because you obviously know what he will think when he will be an adult.

Don't worry about your looks. Your son is too young to realize that looks don't matter.

girls all like good looking guys in reality

#11: What sort of alternate reality do you live in? Looks aren't everything.

perdix 29

#11, I'd agree that girls prefer good-looking guys, but ugly ones that make them laugh somehow get a chance.

#11 I'm sorry but their are plenty of people in the world that would disagree with you just because someone is cute, fine or sexy doesn't really mean anything because once you get to know that person if their personality is ugly that makes them so unattractive, their are a lot of famous and regular people that are dating someone that people don't understand because they are "ugly" and well people that think close minded like you think they should be dating someone "hotter" looks fade and at the end of the day what they are left with is their personality.

We are not all attracted to the same type and often look for different qualities.

REALAfroninga 11

I wish I was funny, all I have is this hair. Do women like hair?

As long as it's the right amount in the right places.

I don't think I could date someone who I thought was unattractive. The beautiful thing is, I might find someone ugly and to the next girl he could be a ten, and vice versa.

#11, you are incredibly wrong. I am, for lack of a better term, fugly. Yet, over the years, I've attracted many lovely women. Why? I don't know. But charm and safistication go a long way.

Looks do matter. They just don't matter as much as personality does.

I agree! My boyfriend's adoptive parents are very closed minded and care about looks. Their sons didn't pick very model material wives, but I never hear anything bad about them. I only hear things about me and their other adopted son's girlfriend. Looks fade, and their third son's wife looks are fading!

Nickb55 16

Aw, that's just the kind of funny thing that little kids say. I think it's funny!

Kids are just the toughest critics. Sorry OP.

perdix 29

Tell him he'll just have to work on his personality and sense of humor. That works for me ;)

Well he probably didn't say it to hurt you..